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Rivals try to shame Google with 'don?t be evil' search tool



Rivals try to shame Google with 'don?t be evil' search tool
by Richard Waters, San Francisco, Financial Times
Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2012

On Monday, Google came under fresh attack over controversial changes made to its search engine earlier this month that critics claim were designed mainly to divert traffic to its new social network, at the cost of devaluing its search results.

Facebook and Twitter, backed by MySpace and other unnamed allies, released an optional online tool designed to strip Google+ listings from Google search results, instead replacing them with listings from social sites that claim greater user interest.

The search company?s enemies also sought to turn Google?s famous promise to remain ethically pure against it, dubbing their new tool ?Don?t be Evil.? Google refused to comment on the new weapon in the social networking wars, which was released on a website called

They took over search, now it's time to take over social networking? Course, seems it would be pretty tough to over take the likes of facebook and other social giants.