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Search Engine Optimization - Ethical?


New Member
There is a heated discussion going on at another forum, and
the topic was centered around the question, "is selling links

Now, I don't want to start a simular "heated discussion" about
how, if we don't complying with Google's "nofollow your links,
or your not going to like it" stand, but some users brought
up an interesting statement about SEO.

They mentioned that duing SEO in general IS manipulating
search results. What do you all feel about that last statement?

Is SEO (manipulating a site to gain in SERPs) an ethics question?
(Not talking blackhat).
I think the word MANIPULATE is entirely the wrong word to use.

SEO is called SEO for a reason. All the search engines recognise this therefore all webmasters recognise this.

SEO is there for a reason. To not MANIPULATE search engines (blackhat) writing of a site.
If there is a buyer - there always be a seller, no matter what it is. Google created high demand commodity - page rank. Who ever was smart and fast enough capitalized on it.

Now they are trying to clean up theirs own mess. Until they come up with different algorithm how to evaluate and rank websites links still will be sold and bought.

There is nothing illegal or unethical about it.
That is called business. Online business more exactly. You are not forced to use Google services as they are not forced to keep your site in a certain position on their result pages.
Is SEO (manipulating a site to gain in SERPs) an ethics question?
(Not talking blackhat).

Not at all when it comes to recognised complient SEO, it is purley a business deal. It is manipulation of the website in order to better results in the SERPs. This is beneficial to both parties, the site owner gains a better ranking and the SE has more relevant content making them more usable, sticky, relevant.

IMO ;)
I have read that thread & OMG how its huge, yet i noticed that both sides of the argument sorry diplomatic discussion is very even sided with some excellent points.
Definitions of manipulating are:
ma·nip·u·lat·ed, ma·nip·u·lat·ing, ma·nip·u·lates
1. To move, arrange, operate, or control by the hands or by mechanical means, especially in a skillful manner: She manipulated the lights to get just the effect she wanted.
2. To influence or manage shrewdly or deviously: He manipulated public opinion in his favor.
3. To tamper with or falsify for personal gain: tried to manipulate stock prices.
Now, #2 and #3 is not what I'm referring to, but I'm using it as defined in #1:
1. To move, arrange, operate, or control by the hands or by mechanical means, especially in a skillful manner
Once you create a web page. All is fine. But you get no traffic. So what do you do?
You begin by doing SEO - off-page and on-page, right? So, once you add meta tags,
nofollow, look at keyword density (and add to it, subtract from it) are now -
NOT for the advantage of the user, but for the SEs - manipulating (as defined in #1
above) your markup on-page for better results in SEs.