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Search Engine Optimization for Bing



Search Engine Optimization for Bing
Bing Webmaster Center
September 03, 2009

Bing?s SEO principles
SEO is fundamentally about creating websites that are good for people. The most basic advice we can give for achieving optimum rank for your site in Bing is to do the following:

Thanks for the post. I really should pay more attention to Bing - you never know where all this will end up in a year or so. If anyone is going to seriously compete w/ the big 'G' - it will be Bing since MS has the money behind it.
Thanks for the post

Nice post Bing is new to all of us in Internet Marketing it will be some use. Mike.
Even though Bing gets less than 10% search engine market share, one has to definitely TRY for that. Thanks for sharing the SEO tips.
Bing SEO Optimization and Promotion

Bing has a better conversion ratio as compared to Google. However, Bing gets low traffic share as compared to Google, but if you get some click from Bing then it will turn in lead ( on most of the occasions).

The best thing about Bing is that it has a better user interface and gives you a feel of FRESHNESS every single day.

Instead of focusing your optimization entirely on Google, one must concentrate on gaining rankings on other search engines including Bing and Yahoo.

Google Click Fraud rate (on PPC) is far much higher as compared to Bing/Yahoo.

Bing gives preference to few parameters listed below:-

1) Domain Age - Bing gives preference to the age of your domain. Google also gives preference to domain age.

2) On-Page/Off-Page Optimization - Bing gives more preference to On-Page optimization. However, Google gives more preference to off-page optimization. It is best to carefullly do on-page optimization and make sure your keyword density does not go overboard.

Among various on-page optimization factors, TITLE is the most important one. If your keywords are listed in the TITLE then you will get higher rankings on both Google and Bing.

Do share your experience of Bing V/S Google.
Bing has a better conversion ratio as compared to Google.

if you get some click from Bing then it will turn in lead ( on most of the occasions).

Google Click Fraud rate (on PPC) is far much higher as compared to Bing/Yahoo.

2) On-Page/Off-Page Optimization - Bing gives more preference to On-Page optimization. However, Google gives more preference to off-page optimization.

Really? Why is this?

Let me echo DrMarie's question: what is the basis for any of these claims?
Nowdays clients are asking for Bing optimization. Earlier nobody bothered about MSN, but now clients want to see their sites listed in Bing Local business results.

We have been keeping a close watch on traffic from Google and Bing for various websites using analytics. You get less number of visits from Bing as compared to Google, but most of those clicks convert into leads.

The conversion ratio on Google is less as compared to Bing.
That doesn't really answer the questions - you're simply restating what you've already said.

I suspect you're basing this on your own experience with your own websites. If so, the statements are meaningless unless we know the nature of your sites. In my experience, which of the different search engines is "better" depends very much on the type of site - for example, in the past, Yahoo was often best for finding products and services, while Google was better for finding news and in formation. My initial impressions of Bing (and it's important to uinderstand that Bing is still very much evolving) is that their results fall somewhere between Yahoo and Google. If the proposed merger between Yahoo search and Bing search goes through, the combination could be quite formidable.

All that said, the next question is whether you need to do anything different to optimize for Google vs. Bing. In my opinion, any answer to this question is going to be dependent on an artificial distinction, rather like the question of whether one should focus on on-page vs. off-page SEO. The reality is that it shouldn't be either-or but both. If you are diligent in attending to both on-oage and off-page factors, you will rank well regardless of the search engine.
Well google does gives a value for onpage optimization. google is more balanced I think. you need to have both onpage and offpage optimized.