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Search Rankings Are Dead



Search Rankings are Dead: Long Live Search Placements
by Tom Schmitz, Search Engine Land
Jan 19, 2012

Recently, I gave a presentation on Google’s Search+ in which I said ranking reports no longer matter because there is no such thing as consistent Google rankings.

What you see in the Google search results and what I see, for the exact same query, are likely to be two different sets of results, thanks to:

  • Personalized search results based on our own search history
  • Influenced search results based on our friends’ search histories
  • Local search results
  • Brand mentions in social media and on web pages
  • Query deserves images, video, products, news or other types of search results
  • Query deserves freshness
  • Query deserves diversity
  • Brand mentions on social media and the web
  • Over 500 algorithm changes a year