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SEO Contest FAQs


New Member
We have been getting a few repeat questions about the SEO contest, here are a few, with answers:

Question: I want to change the url I submitted for the contest.
Answer: No problem, the url is link with the registration process, and the registration process is automated. You need to register again and provide your new url with your new registration. The registration page can be found here.
Temi does the new registration replace the old url or do I then have two competing domains? What is the limit on entered pages each contestant?
We have been getting a few repeat questions about the SEO contest, here are a few, with answers:

Question: I want to change the url I submitted for the contest.
Answer: No problem, the url is link with the registration process, and the registration process is automated. You need to register again and provide your new url with your new registration. The registration page can be found here.

Question: Can I enter the competition with more than one url?
Answer: I personally do not think this is a good idea, I also think focusing on one url gives you a better chance of winning than using multiple urls but our SEO contest design guru Bagi does not seem to mind.
Temi does the new registration replace the old url or do I then have two competing domains? What is the limit on entered pages each contestant?

I will leave Bagi to answer this question, he is really the guru in charge of the contest design, like I said, I think one url is much better than many.

If you register a second time, you will have two competing urls, but we can arrange to delete one.

I will wait to talk with Bagi first before a decision on the maximum number of URL you can enter, I don't want us to turn it to spamming contest rather than and SEO contest.

Sadly, this opens the door for blackhat manipulation. I hope Bagi changes this policy.
Question: Can I enter the competition with more than one url?
Answer: I personally do not think this is a good idea, I also think focusing on one url gives you a better chance of winning than using multiple urls but our SEO contest design guru Bagi does not seem to mind.
Whoever uses blackhat SEO manipulation certainly will not be getting the winners cheque from me. Its in the rules that this is nor acceptable.
Just to be clear I suggest two rules:
  1. A limit of 300 contestants with a deadline of March 1st to register.
  2. Each contestant has one page entered and must declare that page by March 1st.
My suggested deadline should be February 15th, not March 1st but I see you want everyone to be involved.

A declared page deadline keeps someone from switching a few days before the end. This contest is those SEO consultants who know what they want to achieve not or those who "fall into it"

My opinion only to keep it fun for everyone....
Thanks for your suggestion, they sound reasonable, the contest guru will be online on Monday and you should get a response from him.
Thanks for your suggestion, they sound reasonable, the contest guru will be online on Monday and you should get a response from him.

Thanks Temi I hope my suggestions are acceptable to Bagi :first:
Sirs, just like you I hate webspam as well. So when compiling the rules I kept in mind that beside organizing a wonderful contest at our favourite forum we would like to minimalize the quantity of webspam. From the other hand it would be excellent if every participant would optimize only one page (URL), but I belive that we can not control, hence can not regulate this.
Sirs, just like you I hate webspam as well. So when compiling the rules I kept in mind that beside organizing a wonderful contest at our favourite forum we would like to minimalize the quantity of webspam. From the other hand it would be excellent if every participant would optimize only one page (URL), but I belive that we can not control, hence can not regulate this.

Bagi, I understand you cannot stop te number of pages optimized for the key term

But you can set deadlines and limit pages per contestant.
I am sure we can control the number or urls people use, simple, anyone who submits more than one url will be disqualified.
Skinner just sent me a PM saying he is not in favour of participants submitting more than one url too.

anyone who submits more than one url will be disqualified.

Maybe not as harsh, i would accept the first url they submit & disgrgard all others. Maybe it would have been better to add to the rules.

Once the search term is announced you have 7-12 days to submit your url? just an idea.

I most definetly up there for one url :yahoo:
It does not matter even if they register on March 31 - they still will have to start with a brand new page. Early you start - better chance you have to succeed...

Even if they change domain - it still have to be brand new. You can not switch to the domain that has been optimized already - no incoming links and no cashed version prior to the time of registration...

approve my comments on your blog and lens by the way Resonate... :)
Great discussion guys. I have a scenario of a possible way to win.

Let us say I joined and submitted my site but I begin optimizing three or four other sites using different methods (some good some not so good using invisible script etc..)

Then on March 31st I change from my submitted site to the site with the best SERP, the winning site (after it is cleaned up of course). Google takes a few months at best, to catch most unethical practices, not as fast as we would.

  1. Does that prove that I knew what I was doing when I registered in clean a SEO contest?
  2. Or does it prove I will win using any means possible?
Not saying that anyone here can or would do that (some of us dont even know what I did not say) but....

I only brought this up for an interesting topic of discussion.

Limits and Deadlines Please
The scenario you raised above and other issues raised are being discussed in the back room and we should have new rules incorporated on Monday, thanks for all you suggestions :)
The scenario you raised above and other issues raised are being discussed in the back room and we should have new rules incorporated on Monday, thanks for all you suggestions :)
Thanks Temi I believe you will do the right thing for the forum.