Well-Known Member
When Google removed "don't be evil" from its code of conduct is should have been seen as a harbinger of the future conduct to come.
>>>"As such, the demo raises an extremely important question for the future of the already-ravaged journalism industry: if Google's AI is going to mulch up original work and provide a distilled version of it to users at scale, without ever connecting them to the original work, how will publishers continue to monetize their work?
"Google has unveiled its vision for how it will incorporate AI into search," tweeted The Verge's James Vincent. "The quick answer: it's going to gobble up the open web and then summarize/rewrite/regurgitate it (pick the adjective that reflects your level of disquiet) in a shiny Google UI."<<<
Empirical studies have proven users rarely ever make it to the second page of search results, let alone even to the bottom of the page.
Google's new AI summary engine is built to process volumes of texts written by unpaid human authors
Yes, Google will go down in history as the greatest parasite for monetizing its web scraping and ranking abilities.
SEO Gurus an experts feed the machine and profit. This is not to say that many people have benefited in the past interations of Google search in the early years for the internet --I know I did; but admittedly, either by clever trick, or by just buying ads on top of other peoples content ...
>>>"As such, the demo raises an extremely important question for the future of the already-ravaged journalism industry: if Google's AI is going to mulch up original work and provide a distilled version of it to users at scale, without ever connecting them to the original work, how will publishers continue to monetize their work?
"Google has unveiled its vision for how it will incorporate AI into search," tweeted The Verge's James Vincent. "The quick answer: it's going to gobble up the open web and then summarize/rewrite/regurgitate it (pick the adjective that reflects your level of disquiet) in a shiny Google UI."<<<

Google Unveils Plan to Demolish the Journalism Industry Using AI
Google just revealed vision for AI-integrated search — and that vision, apparently, involves cutting digital publishers off at the knees.

If you remember this saying -- you are the Innerwebs 
Empirical studies have proven users rarely ever make it to the second page of search results, let alone even to the bottom of the page.
Google's new AI summary engine is built to process volumes of texts written by unpaid human authors
Yes, Google will go down in history as the greatest parasite for monetizing its web scraping and ranking abilities.
SEO Gurus an experts feed the machine and profit. This is not to say that many people have benefited in the past interations of Google search in the early years for the internet --I know I did; but admittedly, either by clever trick, or by just buying ads on top of other peoples content ...