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It is very confusing when you first start out, the results are basically showing you how many people searched for those keywords daily, in all the major search engines,

For example, if you were researching the KW "health" then once you enter that KW into the tool it will return to you all the searches with the word "health" in it and how many there were per day in Yahoo, MSN and Google and then a total of those.

This information is helpful when researching KW for a niche, because you want to find the keywords that people are searching for and therefore are popular enough for there to be traffic to your website.

So if my niche is "health" I will look for the Keywords that have a lot of searches (as per the SEOBook Tool) and then you must also search those keywords in Google, for example: allintitle:"keyword" to see how many websites you will compete with, if there are 200 daily searches and 3,000,000 other websites using that KW, then that is not a good keyword.
What about the columns that say "Google Trends", "KW Discovery" and "Yahoo Suggest"?

Google Trends shows you what the most popular search results in Google are at the time and so you can click on the link for each KW in the results and see if it comes up there.

KW Discovery is just another KW research tool, like SEOBook, which, if you click on that link, it will take you to the KW discovery tool and then you can search to see how popular each KW is there.

Yahoo Suggests, when clicked for each KW shows some pertinent information like your competing sites, shopping site results for that KW and buying guide type results.

I personally just focus on the KW research, rather than all that stuff on the right, just look at the numbers.

If you want a simpler KW tool try Free Keyword Suggestion Tool from Wordtracker, that tool ONLY shows the total searches for KW you enter.