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Seo work not done. Have I been scammed?


New Member
Hi all, I'm new here. I'm looking for some help.

I have a website and I recently paid a company to re-design my website and optimise it. I keep getting told every day it will be completed and every day there is no new website. They come up with different excuses. They say they have refunded my money but I received no refund. This has been going on for weeks now and I don't know what to do. Any guidance would be much appreciated.

This company is called Accomplished SEO based in Stockport. I've been dealing with someone called John Hardwick. Has anyone had any dealings with these or had a similar problem?

Thanks all.
i think you should make some complaint to that company.... i think if you don't receive any refund from them then you should do that... important is that you receive the money that you've pay to them...
Why did you pay advance at all?
SEO work isn't something that needs some advance payments. Alternativly you could have used some freelancers in eLance for example. eLance have very nice escrow system.
You shouldn’t have paid all the money in advance as now you are totally controlled by them. Sorry for you.

my advice is to go to citizens advice. but ask the comapny their complaints proceedure