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Should Be Use Google Adwords for Fanpage?


New Member
Hi everyone :)
I am Han, I'am come from Viet Nam
I have a fanpage and i want to be use adwords for fanpage?
I never do that before.
Have you been using google adwords for fanpage?
please share me a little experience :)

My English not good. Hope you can understand :D
AdWords is Google's paid ads. You pay Google to advertise your site. You can read about their terms at Google AdWords | Google (PPC) Pay-Per-Click Online Advertising

But in order for the money you spend on advertising to make sense, you need to be making money from people who find your website by clicking on those ads.

I'm not sure how a fan page would be providing you with direct income but then again that's not my area of interest.

Are you perhaps asking about Google AdSense instead? That is a program where you apply to Google as a publisher and Google displays content related ads on your website. When people click through on those ads, you make a little money.

However, you will need an established site with some decent content and some decent traffic to be approved. Also note that Google's terms of service are very clear: You cannot click on those ads yourself,you cannot encourage other people to click on those ads, and you need to display those ads in a way that does not encourage accidental clicks. If you violate any of these, you will be banned from AdSense not only for that one site but for all your sites. Forever.

Google is very good at detecting click fraud and they will proceed vigorously to block and even prosecute sites that engage in click fraud.

You can read about the AdSense program here: AdSense – Google Ads
Thank djbaxter
I mean, I can advertise for fanpage google search or not. I am currently awaiting visa card so I can not check it.
I just saw the PPC advertisers for website or for one of their news on other sites.
But I do not have a website, but only fanpage, so I can use google adws for fanpage to lure customers click on my fanpage or not?
If you are willing to pay the money, yes as long as you don't violate Google's ToS. But I don't see how you'd get your money back.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I might have found the answer


I want to have some thing like that. Thank so much for your support :)
You should be careful then when doing your PPC campaign... Choose very good your target audience (just to be sure you are promoting it to the RIGHT people) and set the budget good (daily and total) ;)