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Should I have blocked these pages?



Right, keep with me on this one...

A client of mine built a website and then came to me for SEO. The problem from the start was that I came in AFTER the site had been built and was up and running. The client had decided to split the site into two sections: commercial and residential. So the site was structured with a generic home page which then linked through to /commercial/ or /residential/.

The first thing I noted was a large number of pages duplicated on both the commercial and residential side of the site. There were also pages on both side which would essentially be competing for the same keywords. So, I used robots.txt to block the entire commercial side which was the easiest way for me to resolve the duplicate and keyword clash problem.

Now, with regards to duplicate content I know Google wouldnt have penalised the site it would have simply chucked them in the supplemental index but what Im starting to think about is whether the duplicated pages would have still been beneficial to the site -- due to the relevant links on the page.

Obviously im shifting a load of PR onto the residential side which is good but is this better than just leaving the pages un-blocked in the first place?

PM me if you want the site....