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Sig Links Are...


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I've seen questions about how to get pages or websites indexed faster. I've heard answers that say that you should be patient - Google will finally get around to it.

You can help Google get "around to it". I know that all the experts in here know about this one - but I've seen so many beginners (or self-proclaimed gurus) ask this question. I will give you one of the answers that I have experienced.

Signature links. A popular forum where it is well travelled will help you get your page or site indexed a lot quicker. You don't have to wait around for Google. Yes - the ppl that say that Google will get to your site and index it eventually - they are right. but why wait?

In the past, I have had a lot of new web 2.0 props out there as well as pages from my own site (or client's sites) that needed indexed. This is when I point a sig link towards it. If I just waited for Google to come around and index my web 2.0 properties - that could take forever.

I hope this helps answer some questions out there.
Actually, a link from any website that's already been indexed by the search engines will get your website indexed faster. That being said, it's been my experience, the more popular the website, the faster your site will get indexed.

David Jackson
You can sign up your site to google manual on their own site, this feature was always there but not everyone uses it
You can sign up your site to google manual on their own site, this feature was always there but not everyone uses it

Yes you can, buit Google will find you more quickly with a link from an already spidered site.
I went with the backlink method as I heard it takes Google quite a while to reach you upon submission, but does anyone know how long it takes? I'm just curious :)!
As minstrel said, it's best NOT to use Google's submission. You'll get indexed faster PLUS Google likes it better when she finds you through good related backlinks.

To try to help Google find your backlinks you can hit the links to you from other sites with your Google Toolbar on. Not guaranteeing this works, but I've had Google index brand new sites that were barely launched that no one knew about and that no one had linked to. The only way she could have found it was from me hitting it with my G toolbar on. Unless she somehow spiders whois info to try to find new site.

At any rate Google routinely spiders many of my blog and forum posts within minutes.
Here's a blog post I made this AM. Already #1 in Google. <a href=";q=Affiliates+get+Adwords+Bans&amp;sourceid=navclient-ff&amp;rlz=1B3GGIC_en___US345&amp;ie=UTF-8">Affiliates get Adwords Bans</a>

And that's without any backlinks, unless some blog scrapers have already picked it up.