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Site Disappeared from SERPs


New Member
I've been working with somebody that has their website (that he designed) by web easy 7. It's one of these sites where you don't have to know HTML, CSS, etc - basically drag and drop type gui that is very simple to setup. I can best describe like a web 2.0 property where you can add pics, video and other features.

When I started backlinking to his site - he was indexed - but not in the top 1000. He then got in around #250. I was happy - now I could start moving him up. Then his site dropped out of site. I've seen this happen before to new sites - but his site is two years old (checked on that) and has a PR of 3. I only did about 10 - 15 backlinks a day (and I'm still continuing to do it). Any reason why it would disappear off the SERPs like that? Maybe because it's one of those canned websites?
I have found before that my sites' SERPs can change dramatically from one day to the next. One day I was so excited because my site was number one for almost every search term I entered. But then the next day it was back to normal.

Has it been this way for a long time? It may just be a temporary glitch.

Do you know if your site is still indexed? (Do a search on google for site:yoursite's domain).