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Size of a website

Hi katy,

There is really no magic number. An affiliate site it like any other, some are big some are small. To some degree it could depend on the topic and the way you plan to market. If you are trying to get FREE traffic through search engines, the more content based on targeted keywords on various pages helps. If you are paying for traffic via PPC many affiliates just do a very small site because they are primarily driving traffic to one specific landing page.
I would start with a few pages, launch it, drive traffic to it and build more pages based on the keywords people use to find the site
Hi Katy,

Hi everyone, i was wondering how big should an affiliate website be?


I have several websites that are only 1 page total (mini sites), but then I have a few that are a few hundred or even thousands of pages. And in some cases the one page sites have been more successful than the others.

When I first started out that's all I focused on was making a page and getting traffic to it. However I drive almost all of my traffic with pay per click. A one page site doesn't seem to do as well in the free results pages as a bigger site does.