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Social Numbers Bragging

bruce bates

Affiliate Manager
Affiliate Manager
Affiliate Payday
I am not sharing any tips or advice in this post just bragging for the sake of bragging and so others know when I give advice about social marketing and advertising - its cause I actually do know what I am doing.

This is me on apsense - 4298 connections and 91 recommendation of my work.


This is me on linkedin - 27,590 followers and I also have been recommended over 100 times in each of over 20 marketing based categories.


This is me on facebook - 4100 connections (I am nort very good at facebook despite my numbers but I am trying to fine tune my audience. I have dropped over 1000 people in the past year and try to add only the right target audience)


So when you see me talking about social networking and social influencing - I have the clout to back anything I say :)
I guess the BUCKS START HERE!;)

I joined facebook in the early days and I grew up in a very drug infested small town - so I didn't want people where I grew up being able to find me. These days I just pray I don't do anything that gets me suspended cause I clearly can't prove I am someone I am not :p
Well done Bruce, with a resume like that you have every right to brag :)

Thanks :)

I actually have had to explain to a few companies that wanted me as their social media manager... "sorry you can't afford me" - I love affiliate marketing and my only boss is me :p
It's all political on this account nom de guerre redacted

Captain Creamsicle says: Is it safe to come up?

It's all political on this account nom de guerre redacted

despite the way my linkedin account looked at the time of screenshot I rarely post politial. Most of my posts are crypto related and/or marketing related.

A typical post looks for me something like this:


47 likes, 57 comments, and a reach of 9,753 is a decent post for me, some get conserably less views some considerably more. It depends how I write things, the verbage I use in my posts, and how much contraversy I can bring (getting people into debates increases reach exponentially as people just keep coming back and typing more and more and more furthering my reach each time someone comments or likes).
Lose the long hair and lose the facial hair, or just grow a full beard (but keep it trimmed). Advice from a guy who doesn't know you.
Lose the long hair and lose the facial hair, or just grow a full beard (but keep it trimmed). Advice from a guy who doesn't know you.

Advice is a recommendation that will produce a desired future action or result.

So aside from perhaps being judgemental, how is what you said advice by any means?
Advice is a recommendation that will produce a desired future action or result.

So aside from perhaps being judgemental, how is what you said advice by any means?
I'm not being mean, but people don't say stuff like this to others. Just trying to help you, by saying that I think you'd look better.
I'm not being mean, but people don't say stuff like this to others.

People don't say stuff like this to others, because... well it's just plain mean. You may think you are just being honest but being honest and being mean are not mutually exclusive things. One can be both. Its like walking up to a girl and saying "I am not being mean but if you lost a hundred pounds I think you look much more attractive".


Just trying to help you

Again I ask... how do you think this will help me? You have a blog that links to a non-existant linkedin profile, links to a facebook page that has 566 followers, and links to a twitter page with 175 followers.

ANY ONE of the screenshots of ANY ONE of the social networks I showed has more than double your ENTIRE social presence combined. Nothing you have said is helpful in any way.

Its also not going to help me outside of marketing seeing as I have 2 adult children who's mother is playboy style good looking, and I have been with my current girl for 6 years.

I was mining bitcoin in 2010 and could retire today and my kids kids kids would still have enough money to live off.

So I don't have any idea how you think your comments are helpful in any sort of way and frankly I don't care if YOU THINK I would look better or not. Personally I think anyone reading this thread just thinks you are being a *******.

So please don't comment again.
I haven't had a hair cut in 8 months now, my hair is almost as long as yours now Bruce. Reminds me of my late 60's & early 70's days!

I did it a second time in my 40's in Vegas, to the middle of my back that time! The women loved it!