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some affiliate company


New Member
The most popular affiliate companies are
  1. amazon
  2. Host gator
  3. e-Bay
  4. godaddy
Can you give me other companies list by which i can grow my knowledge
Hi, @jsmartin and welcome. Maybe start an Introduction thread and tell us a bit about yourself. :)

Can you give me other companies list by which i can grow my knowledge

This sounds like a baited question somehow.

You can grow your knowledge here in the forums. Then you will know how to make money with those affiliate networks that you listed. :)

If you're truly looking for other networks, we have tons listed here - Resources | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix
I'd suggest that you learn how to use them first, if you're brand new to online marketing, though. We can offer great places to start reading if you want. Just let us know if you need help.
The most popular affiliate companies are
  1. amazon
  2. Host gator
  3. e-Bay
  4. godaddy
Can you give me other companies list by which i can grow my knowledge
You mean affiliate program or affiliate network?

If you meant affiliate network here are some of the best one that i personally use:
1) Clickbank
2) JVzoo
The most popular affiliate companies are
  1. amazon
  2. Host gator
  3. e-Bay
  4. godaddy
Can you give me other companies list by which i can grow my knowledge

These are not affiliate companies. These are companies with affiliate programs.

If you want affiliate networks, then read through our Resources area. If you want to be an affiliate for companies that offer affiliate programs, then research companies that serve your niche(s) and see if they offer affiliate programs.