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Some things I'm unclear on about PPC


New Member
I'm been doing SOME PPC for a while now, but never got too serious with it. I have a few questions on some things I'm unclear about.


1. What should ad groups consist of? How similar should the keywords within an ad group be to each other? What is the optimization process for an ad group? Is it finding the best ad?

(That 1st one consisted of more than one question, but I thought it would probably be best to keep them together.)

2. How do you find the best keyword/ad/lp combination? What is the process?

3. When starting out a campaign, and you're selling for instance a product that gives a payout of $35, how much should you bid to start off with on keywords?

4. In an ad group, if you add broad and/or phrase keywords, wouldn't that mess up the relevancy of your ad group?

5. I use Prosper202 for tracking, how can I analyze that data, (keywords, ads, location, device etc) and optimize the campaign?

6. When running a campaign with the goal being getting a sale of a product you're promoting, should you be paying attention to the click through rates or the conversion rates?

I'm starting out with Bing ads by the way, just in case that makes any difference.
1. An ad group should consist of tightly themed keywords i.e. red widgets would go in a separate ad group to blue widgets.

The optimization process for an ad group is mainly seeing what keywords convert then pausing the ones that don't. You also want to split test ads by creating at least 3-4 ads then pausing the ads that have the lowest CTR once you have data.

2. That's mainly done through the process of testing. Relevancy is an important factor, if your keywords/ads/lp have high relevancy then the campaign is more likely to succeed.

3. That depends on how competitive the niche is. For some niches, you can start off with a $0.15 bid and get clicks/impressions, but for some other niches you need to bid higher. So there is no one size fits all answer.

Once your campaign starts getting clicks/impressions, you'll have a good idea what to bid based on the Avg Pos of your ads.

4. Adding broad match can often result in your ads triggering for unrelated searches. One way to avoid this is by using the broad match modifier, so the search query has to contain a certain keyword for your ad to trigger.

5. In Prosper202, there is an analyze tab that lets you analyze the data.

6. You should pay attention to both the CTR and conversion rates, as the CTR determines how many clicks your campaign gets and counts towards your quality score and ad position.
Hey CaramelRocks, great answers.
I'd like to understand the Ad groups having tightly themed keywords. If I'm running a dating campaign, sure I can come up w/3 ads, but how many different Ad groups can there be for keywords relating to dating? Or something very niche like Mother's Day.
Hey CaramelRocks, great answers.
I'd like to understand the Ad groups having tightly themed keywords. If I'm running a dating campaign, sure I can come up w/3 ads, but how many different Ad groups can there be for keywords relating to dating? Or something very niche like Mother's Day.

@CaramelRocks , you around?