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Spend Z — is the generation to track today.


Well-Known Member
From Nielsen Marketing to Generation Z edited for the Affiliate Approach
With their spending power projected to grow to an estimated $12T by 2030, Gen Z will have a significant influence on the products manufacturers and retailers sell in the near future, while emerging as a critical and largely untapped lever of growth.
  • Generation Z is defined as; Age range: Currently aged 12-27 (as of 2024) or by being born between 1997 and 2012
  • Gen Z is highly digital-native and heavily influenced by social media.
  • As an affiliate marketer, prioritize promoting products through social media content, mobile apps, and websites.
  • Gen Z wants sustainability and authenticity along with social responsibility.
  • About 40% of Gen Z wants products that are eco-friendly and sustainable.
  • Emphasize any sustainable or ethical aspects.
  • Avoid over-hyping, as Gen Z wants to keep it real.
  • Offer personalized experience and ease of use.
  • As an affiliate, focus on products that offer customization options or adjust to individuals.
  • Highlight features like fast shipping, easy returns, or one-click purchasing, as Gen Z has grown up with instant gratification and expects seamless shopping experiences.
well, what do you think :D

I've only skimmed part of the article while drinking my coffee, so far. I'm a little confused. Everything I've read so far is the exact opposite of what we are being told here via government press conferences and why they are increasing the tax inclusion rate to 67% with seniors and their benefactors being hit hardest. To make it fair for the Gen Zers because they can't find a job, have no money and can't afford to buy a house.

Maybe it's a geo location thing and it's better in other countries.

Edit: Just found this, so that may explain it:
Only 10 percent of Gen Zers are from North America or Europe

I shall finish the article before making any further comment. :rolleyes:
It's rather obvious that at ages 18-27: The vast majority of persons will not have the money to buy a house.

Exceptions being a very large gift from a parent. Even if that is the case, they probably cannot qualify for a mortgage based if their current earnings and credit rating. So the subject of buying housing is moot. Affordable rents would be an issue but that is absolutely not unique in history. It has always been that way of a large number of people in that age group.

What you are taking about is redistribution of income by taxation for political reasons --they want the younger voters (maybe).
Exceptions being a very large gift from a parent.
That will be a 67% tax inclusion.

They never say what the money is for, just that it's fairness for every generation. Which, it obviously is not. Supposedly, that will somehow make rents and home ownership more affordable for Gen Zers. I can't make any real sense of it but I think the intention (real or fake) is to use the tax money to put toward house building efforts.

Affordable rents would be an issue but that is absolutely not unique in history.
History cycles and repeats itself. So, not surprising, I guess, but it is unpleasant.

What you are taking about is redistribution of income by taxation for political reasons --they want the younger voters (maybe).
They absolutely do! They're even talking about making 16 the legal voting age because they're losing in other demographics. And yeah, it's wealth redistribution. I don't believe taxpayers will receive any more benefit from this tax than they have the copious others that have come recently.

Re the difference between your original post and AI's "slight refined version".....aren't they identical?? :rofl
Forgot to say that the article has a lot of insights. If a person were to line things up, ready to hit the ground running, they could make some good coin in the next few years.

I admit to a few surprises for me in that article - that the majority of Gen Z spenders will not come from North America, for example. And the considerable difference in generational buying habits between countries.

Lots of interesting info.
Thank you @Graybeard. This is good intel.

Thank you to both of you @Graybeard and @azgold for keeping things real with your comments . You both give a good realistic perspective on the article. I do not think the way both of you do.

This is helpful for me.