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For Google, the Only Content is Useful Content
Daily SEO Tip Blog
April 19, 2010

You can hire a copywriter to spin content for $10/hour (or maybe less), just so you can add more content to your blog and get more internal links to your important pages. But Google can look at that and decide, ?Another waste dump; not interested.? It?s your responsibility to keep your pages up-to-date and relevant ? for your customers and prospects, as well as for the search engines.

Simply put, Google will not index every piece of content for a number of reasons:
  • Server space isn?t free.
  • Google is getting faster (Caffeine) and that means more efficient at identifying high-quality, useful, fresh content.
  • Even if junk content gets indexed, it might not pass through Google?s other filters that allow it to rank in the search results.
  • Just because you see over a million results for a search query doesn?t mean there are literally a million search results ? that?s an estimation (see Stephan Spencer?s post: Results 1 - 10 of about 23,850,000,000. Yeah, right.
Perhaps Google?s algo is a bit more complex than you anticipated, and you can?t game the search results, after all. Knowing that Google?s search engineers comprise many PhDs, how can you help Google make their search engine better? Take a tip from Google?s own book regarding content: Keep up with current developments and what works for business, making sure your site reflects both...

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Thanks for posting this article. It confirms what I have suspected for a long time. I used to purchase PLR articles and pay to have them rewritten, but after having the pages struggle to get indexed I quit and started writing all original content. This activity has had much more positive results.