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Correct me if I am wrong but it looks like your signature is pointing to an affiliate site and not your own site.

I was wondering if you have your own website. I think to be really successful in affiliate marketing, having your own homepage is important. You can then put an opt in form on that page and start building your own email list.

May I tell you not to be too dismayed at the apparent lack of progress so far. You may not be making money but you are certainly learning.

Also for now stop buying books, read and understand the content of the books you already have, look around this forum to fill in the blanks, implement what you have learned before buying any more books

You need to identify a niche you want to focus on. It would appear that you have chosen the affiliate marketing niche. It is potentially lucrative, but you need to know what you are talking about to make any headway in this niche

I suggest you identify a niche that you are familiar amd comfortable with first.

Build a blog on it, you can get a free blog at blogger, practice writing good content, driving traffic etc with it. Once you have learnt some techniques that work, you can then come back and make that your subniche in affiliate marketing

Also it takes time to build this business to the point where you start generating an income. But stick to it. Keep learning, keep implementing keep doing something EVERYDAY to take your business forwards

Good luck
