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Starting my very first projet. Need help

Jose Recinos

New Member
After reading a lot of information (and before I get confused) I decided I wanted to start bum marketing (mainly because I have $0 to invest right now).

So what I did is the following:

1. I found a product in which I totally believe in. I also consider the author a trustworthy person and I've seen many of his articles published in various magazines and on (in?) the internet.

2. I checked for keywords and found some that are searched for a lot but that do not have many websites to compete against.

It is my understanding that I should now start writing articles and submitting them to as many article publishing sites as possible. Some people say one should only focus on ezines and others say one should submit articles to as many sites as posible (which I think is the most logical thing to do).

So my questions are:

1) Should I have the same articles that I submitted to the directories in my blog or should I only have 1-3 posts in my blog and use the other articles to direct traffic to my blog?

2) After (and not if...that attitude won't help) I make my first sales where should my money go to? Article submitting software? My own domain? Site build it?

3) how many times should I mention the product in my blog?

4) Are there any free article submitters that are worth it or should I focus submitting my articles in a few sites? If so which ones have you found to be the best (I know of ezine articles and goarticles)

I don't know if showing my blog so you guys can see what is wrong/what isn't counts as promoting so I won't show it.

Thanks a lot guys
Hi Jose,

Thanks for being careful about our rules.You can't mention or link to your blog in any of the discussion areas, but you can down in the site review forum. That's where people can give you some feedback.

Due to Q #2, it sounds like you don't have your own domain yet? That's one of the 1st things you want to get. Are you using blogger or something now? If you don't own your blog it can be deleted without warning and it's possible for you to loose all your hard work. If you had a site, you'd do backups. So if you are going to blog on a shared platform just be sure to at least copy your text and save it.

I would strongly recommend, if you haven't yet - read all the stickies in the newbie forum before proceeding. They aren't about bum marketing, but have the best tips, trials and tribulations about getting started. What to do and what to avoid.

I've never done any article marketing at all, so can't really answer your other questions. But here are some good threads about article marketing.
You can find lots more by using the search button at the top of the forum.

<a href="">Article Marketing for Affiliates - Huge Free Resource</a>



Hi Jose,

Due to Q #2, it sounds like you don't have your own domain yet? That's one of the 1st things you want to get. Are you using blogger or something now? If you don't own your blog it can be deleted without warning and it's possible for you to loose all your hard work. If you had a site, you'd do backups. So if you are going to blog on a shared platform just be sure to at least copy your text and save it.

Yup, I'm using blogger. The reason I'm using it its because it is free. After I make some money I will keep improving on everything

I would strongly recommend, if you haven't yet - read all the stickies in the newbie forum before proceeding. They aren't about bum marketing, but have the best tips, trials and tribulations about getting started. What to do and what to avoid.

Thanks, I will read them for sure

I've never done any article marketing at all, so can't really answer your other questions. But here are some good threads about article marketing.
You can find lots more by using the search button at the top of the forum.

<a href="">Article Marketing for Affiliates - Huge Free Resource</a>




Thank you for your help
Hi Jose,

You can have a look at the article directories below and see can they help:

List Of Top 50 Article Directories By Traffic, PageRank

Links of articles directories with their PR (6+) and Alexa Rating

There are some free article submitters you can try but their function might be limited because they are free but it might be enough for a starter:

Internet Marketing Wish List | Article Submitter ? Article Submitter

Free Article Submitter download

Massive Backlinks and Search Term Domination. Article Marketer This is an article submission service and you can get it for free. Again due to it is a free service, the site your article will be submitted is limited.

To answer your question 3, does the merchant offer you banner or small ad that you can paste on your blog? If so, paste it on a suitable place on your blog. That way you will avoid being too hard sell about your product.

Visitors like fresh content blog. You should update your blog at least once in a week.
Just to quickly and hopefully briefly answer some of your questions

1.Your articles should not be exactly the same as the content of your blog. Yes you can post the same material in your article directory submissions as well as your blog but you MUST vary things or you may have a duplicate content problem. Also it really is a little disconcerting when you read a really good article in an article directory, click the link at the bottom only to see... the same article

2.I know you want to do bum marketing because of the zero overhead but it works better if you have your own website or as Linda implied your own self hosted blog and use your articles to drive traffic to the site or blog. It is on the site that you put your affiliate links, adsense ads or opt in form. Just works better than trying to send visitors straight from your articles to your affiliate link.

3.I must say that I do not use article submission software, I manually submit all of my articles and only use two article directories ie ezinearticles and go articles. But this is just me and I have found this works for me so I have stuck to this startegy. You obviously want to find out what works for you

4.I find that a really good, informative article could pull more visitors than 50 mediocre articles so I take some time researching my content before posting articles. Yes this means I have fewer articles out there than a lot of other marketers but they are well researched and bring me a fair amount of traffic.

I hope this helps

Stopping before it becomes an epistle

Good luck
It is my understanding that I should now start writing articles and submitting them to as many article publishing sites as possible. Some people say one should only focus on ezines and others say one should submit articles to as many sites as posible (which I think is the most logical thing to do).

So my questions are:

1) Should I have the same articles that I submitted to the directories in my blog or should I only have 1-3 posts in my blog and use the other articles to direct traffic to my blog?

Hi Jose

I have been article marketing and I do have software to do this. No one particular software can magically pump out your articles to 1,000's of directories - because each directory has its own set of rules & regulations about how they want things done and what's allowed & what isn't. Furthermore, many of them have capture screens which you have to personally input (because of spamming).

Furthermore, if you did write a fantastic article & sent it out to 1,000 article directories what do you think you've done? .... you've just sent the SAME IDENTICAL article out 1,000 times. For one thing most of the article directories require UNIQUE & unpublished articles. The other thing is that Google is quick to identify that all those articles are identical - means all those nice back-links you just accumulated will be devalued.

Also, EACH one of those article directories have to be joined (separately) - requires a set of procedures, and most will send you a confirmation email which you will have to click to confirm that you are indeed the person who applied for membership and that the email is a real one. Of course, once you've personally joined each directory then the submission software will short-cut a lot of work.

Your best article directories are the ones with a page rank of 6 or more because the back-links from those high ranking sites count for a great deal more in Google's eyes. Furthermore, those that have a page rank of 6 means they get LOTS of visitors - so your exposure more than doubles from these sites as opposed to lower ranking sites.

It is better for you to submit to a smaller group of page rank 6 article directories and you should always handle these with kid gloves. I first research each one manually to see all their submission guidelines, make notes about them and save them to file for future reference, then write the article with great care and manually submit them. By the way, you can simply re-write each of those articles using different phrases and terminology plus a sprinkling of additional & different information in each one - this will make them unique & won't be counted as duplicate material.

Here's my list of page rank 6 article directories for you to submit to:
- (US only)

If you can submit articles to each of the above for each of your webpages, then you've moved mountains. Make each article really good ones - interesting & informative but don't give the whole show away otherwise your readers will have gotten all the information they want and there's no reason for them to click to your website to learn more. The better the article, the more other webmasters will like them enough to publish it on their sites - thus multiplying both your traffic and backlinks.

You need to write an article for EACH one of your web pages - and no, don't use the same article that's on your web page - make it a different one. In the BIO box, make sure the link pointing back to your site links to its relevant page on your site so that each one of your web pages gets 'deep linking'.

You propably won't know how to determine what page rank a website holds unless you've downloaded Google's toolbar.

You're probable wanting to know what software I'm using - it's called Article Submitter Pro.

This is a large post - hope it's helpful to you.
