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Step by step to host your landing pages in your own vultr server



Well-Known Member
Certified Vendor
Service Manager
hello, affiliatefixers :affiliatefix::affiliatefix: .

In this tutorial, we will go step by step on how to create your own server and manage it, and how to link your domain names with it and how to use CDN and also how to create your landing pages and host them on your server.

the best thing is that this is very cheap, you don't need to pay 99$/monthly just to send some visitors to some of the landing page softwares.

all you need is 5$ /month fresh server fro vultr to start, and from there you go.
It is what all experts do.

let's start and I split the tutorial into 5 videos so that you won't get confused with 1 hour video tutorial.

View attachment 16143
and exactly we will:
  • Open your Vultr account
  • Open Cloudflare account
  • Open Namecheap account
  • explain how to install FileZilla on Windows and mac
  • explain how to Install ssh Client on Windows and mac
this is the video View attachment 16164


Video 2: install the server and install apache on it
and what we gonna do in this video is that we will:
  • Install the server from vultr panel.
  • Access the server and install apache on it
  • I will also explain how to access the server if you are using windows, using putty (don't worry everything is well explained)

These are some orders you will need, click here so you can just copy past the orders and execute them in your server.

enjoy watching the video View attachment 16155


Video 3: buy and link the domain name with our server.

and exactly we will:
  • Buy a domain name at Namecheap, it only cost 1$
  • Link Domain name with Cloudflare, so we can use Cloudflare CDN, keep in mind that CDN is a must when it comes to hosting CPA landing pages View attachment 16162.
  • Create your virtual host on the server, (don't worry it's very simple and easy)
  • host your first file and browse it in your server.
you will need this file, make sure to copy it.

this is the video View attachment 16157


Video 4: make your first landing pages live with CDN View attachment 16166View attachment 16156

in this video, we will make our first landing pages live with CDN, that means we will cover the following:
  • Create your first landing page using purelander.
  • Upload your first landing page with CDN, cus I know that's what everybody is asking and looking for
  • Add multiple landing pages in the same domain name, that's important too, we do get a lot of questions about that as well.
this is the 4th video View attachment 16165


Video 5: how to add other domain names to your server.

When you start running more CPA campaigns, of course, you will need to have more domain names, that's why I made this lesson, and we will cover the following in it:
  • Buy another domain name
  • Add the new domain name to your server + Cloudflare CDN, ( you will do the same if you want to add other domain names to your server )
  • Host the landing pages on it.
  • How to host multiple landing pages in it View attachment 16158
enjoy watching the video

please if you have any problem you can post it here, and I am here to help.

- Tyoussef

I wish you +ROI