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Submission to 1,196,894 places


Well-Known Member

I come across a thread on another forum where a member was offering to submit your site to 1,196,894 places including search engines and directories for $10

What do you think about such services? Can this be true?
Have you ever heard of the proverb "If you pay peanuts, you get a monkey" ? I will not trust submission that submit my site to 10 places for $10 because I know you cannot get any decent directory or quality link of any kind for $1.

Maybe you should ask this individual for the list of where you site will be submitted to.
I suppose he could always be asked to provide details of anyone else he`s done that for, and see if you can contact them to verify it (though it could be rigged of course).

Imagine the software needed to submit to so many places? I did at one time pay to get my sites submitted to directories, but only when I was starting off, and it cost a lot more than that. After it was done I got a list of those who`d been submitted to so I was able to verify it.
When I first started out as a webmaster I tried silly things like this. Guess what, they are a huge waste of money.

The way I see it - submit to the top 3 and if you are pro-active with your site the rest will follow.
I don't think Google will look at that and think its natural link building. Hmm, 1.1million links all at once! SPAM bang you're banned.

Google won't get any chance to ban you simply because you won't get 1.1 million of links.

I remember years ago I use to submit to Search Engines using a sort of automatic software. No need to do it anymore as the last generation of SE's will find your website by themselves.

Submitting to web directories by using an automatic software won't get you so many approvals. I would be surprised if someone would get 1000 backlinks from this sort of service.