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Submit your Link Bid Script powered site for free


Well-Known Member

Please feel free to submit your Link Bid Script powered bidding directories to Great Web Directory

I have created a category especially for Link Bid Script powered sites.

Please select a regular listing and ignore payment. You are welcome to submit all your Link Bid Script powered sites.

Post here once submitted and I will approve :)

Submit Here

Thanks :)
Thanks Temi

As it is the Link Bid Script Support Forum, I have made this featured so it stays at the top of all Link Bid Script site submissions. :)
Thanks for approving my sites GKD. I got the approval emails but i can't find the bid sites i submitted in bid for position. Maybe they got moved to "Link Bid Script powered sites" is this a seperate category?/where is it located? I couldn't find it :O

I'm sorry i don't know how i missed it. That category is fine. thanks again :)
No problem Jamie :)

If you have any more sites you would like to submit, please feel free to do so and send me a pm so I can approve them for you
gkd_uk I have also submitted a site but not the exact sub-category where LBS is installed.
Can you please send me a pm when you receive my submission ? Just delete that one so that I can submit the correct one.
