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Success with article submission?


New Member
Has anyone used article submission for SEO, was the campaign successful? Share your experience.
I might be wrong, but isn't it the case that article submission isn't as effective as it used to be?

I have read on several blogs that simply submitting the same article to many many websites means that Googlebots will see duplicate content. In this case they only choose one site to backlink to, and this is not necessarily the one with the highest page rank.

If your content is of a high quality, is it better to keep it on your own site so that all backlinks from bloggers come to you rather than to sites where you have submitted the articles?

Although this then begs the question how you let people know that your site has this quality content. I suppose the answer to this would be using social bookmarking and networking such as Digg and Del.ici.ous to encourage people to read your article on the home site.
I've submitted articles with some success. Nice backlinks on sites with appropriate domain names that I never even knew existed. I only ever submit one article to one articles database. The articles often do end up on my site aswell but usually mixed in with additional information so the duplication problem is less of an issue.

In short, it works for me.
Cool, thanks for the info. I was just getting worried as I'm preparing a lot of articles that are going to be on our site and I would like to submit to other sites too.

Do you think it's worth finding the article sites that are more specific to the category of submission or to those that are generally more popular and have a higher page rank?
I submit to whichever directory has the best page rank or appears highest in SERPs. It doesn't really matter which articles database you use so long as plenty of people download your articles and it ends up on relevant sites. Of course you have little control over this once the article is out there.

Try a few different ones and see which backlinks google picks up with your article on the page.
Thanks again, it's really cleared it up for me

I guess as long as you are submitting to a select number of high PR article sites then even if Google ignores a couple of the duplicates, the end result will still be that you have a backlink from a high PR site.

I am aware the backlink is not the only factor in improving PR through article submission, but it's where I'm beginning.
I do article submission and I find this method very effective for driving traffic to my site, as well as increasing its backlinks and targeted keywords in search results once my article is approved and republished by some other relevant sites/blogs. I only submit to those article directories that have fast approval, high PR and often visited by most readers. I don't waste my time and effort submitting to those article directories that still accepting articles for approval and yet months have passed but still my articles are queued for approval.
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Yes I agree,

People have had some very good responses with SB. We're planning to push hard with SB on the native articles on our site - hopefully we should see some improvement.
Social bookmarking sites are the best internet marketing strategy nowadays i believe.

I think Social Bookmarking Submission will be only effective for driving traffic to your site provided that you have submitted an eye-catchy and interesting title and description. In this way, visitors may become more curious to see what's the content of the link. The success of this strategy may also depend on the content of your site. If the site has unique and useful content, visitors or readers may keep on coming back on your site for more updates.
I think that's why it's useful to host the articles on your own site too (perhaps with minor changes so they don't think you've been duplicating) - it keeps people interested, and allows them to explore other articles and see your updates.
Yes I definitely agree. I think it's wise to host the majority of articles on your own site and update them regularly so that when customers follow the links there is actually something of interest and value on your site"!