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Telebay Low Cost VOIP!



Need a low cost phone solution? Heard of VOIP right? Voice Over Internet Protocal -- a new way to use your exisiting DSL line as a phone line!

Packet 8

Get all the features of a regular phone line along with unlimited long distance! For the price of a new CD per month you cannot pass this up! Do it for yourself, family, or business. Plus with the clearest of all VOIP systems Telebay packet 8 is the right choice for you!

Packet 8

Plans start at $19.99/mo. There are residential and business plans available! Plus get onboard with Telebay for free and make money giving away Telebay Packet 8 Services! Visit : Telebay for more information!

DWDent. 2006'
I dared...therefore!

I did and I am gald I got my five posts in so I had to put my shameless Plug in! I think that I should get some exposure for being one of the few. Thank Dks -- Great forum!

Dave Galich
DWDent. 2006'