Will telecommuting jobs become more attractive as the cost of commuting to work rises? It would certainly seem that way.
For every day commuters, steep commuting expenses are going to hurt the budget for everyday living expenses and in turn will affect vacations and discretionary spending. Now that the job market is heating up, valued employees - who now commute an average of 8,000 miles per year - may be attracted to job offers that allow them to work from home at least a few days per week. Even workers who hadn't considered the ability to work from home to be important in the past are likely to be attracted to telecommuting jobs.
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For every day commuters, steep commuting expenses are going to hurt the budget for everyday living expenses and in turn will affect vacations and discretionary spending. Now that the job market is heating up, valued employees - who now commute an average of 8,000 miles per year - may be attracted to job offers that allow them to work from home at least a few days per week. Even workers who hadn't considered the ability to work from home to be important in the past are likely to be attracted to telecommuting jobs.
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