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The Case for Gold


Well-Known Member
@T J Tutor will like this :)

data from Advance via yahoo finance
R2 1.00 is 100% accurate prediction.


I prefer Sprott NYSE USD


Gold is available in ingot form at Costco online :D hide in in your attic insulation :p

Hard to tell it may have bottomed as the interest rates are reduced that US Treasuries are discounted to next year? Gold should rise is what they are saying. Caveat emptor as usual.
; 1807.265/1485.78
COMEX Gold price adjusted for inflation basis from 2018/12
; 14.018/9.81
PHYS (sprott) share adjusted for inflation basis from 2018/12

COMEX is close to the spot price

Figure your holding costs in and the liquidity issues

For SHTF time (if it ever comes) i would rather be holding 100K rounds of common ammo sizes and MRE rations --they will be worh their weight in Gold :D

I recommend a Hayden FS16T set in your houses basement concrete or slab.
First thing an intruder will look for is a safe --can he crack it? depends. My grandfather had a safe in his home on an island on Biscayne Bay in Surfside (Miami area). Buglers ripped in out when he was gone in NYC and took in out on a boat from his dock on the bay -- man he was pissed :D His naturalization citizenship papers were in that safe too. Better chain a hungry pit bull to that safe ...
First thing an intruder will look for is a safe

That is why I recommend that safe as it is embedded in concrete and in part due to its shape, 2/3's of it is under the concrete. It would literally take a few hours with a jack hammer to expose all of the top and sides and then there are 8 barbed hooks extending another foot underneath on mine so it cannot be lifted. High tungsten carbon steal cannot be damaged with C4, all it would do is blow up everything around the safe, but not the safe itself.

The types of people that rob safes in homes are not sophisticated to make the attempt, let alone have any level of success.

i would rather be holding 100K rounds of common ammo sizes and MRE rations

Oh, I have that too!
just take the whole safe --Burglars took my grandfather's whole safe :D

Plasma torch will cut dam near anything --don't kid yourself. just takes time and opportunity. If someone knows that you have gold or jewels in a safe --you are a target. Insuring that is costly.
Well given that those typically make a single entry into concrete at four inches per hour, and my concrete is three feet deep, framed with steel rebar, and extends two feet on all sides with barbs in the bottom section, my guess is they would first need eight to ten entry points, and who knows how long to break up the significant wide and deep sides while cutting and clearing the rebar, they still would never be able to lift the box out, especially with all that is attached underneath which the hammer cannot reach.

Additionally, plasma cannot cut concrete from what I am told. Materials that cannot be cut include glass, concrete, and ceramics. These materials are non-conductive and are used to insulate electrical products. If you are using a plasma cutter, it simply needs to have a conductivity to complete the electrical connection. Otherwise, it just won't cut at all.

Nobody will ever seek to go through that much labor and still need to get through a half inch of tungsten. I have lowest insurance rate available because of this setup. If they can get what's inside, I'm covered.

Let's keep in mind, I don't keep any precious metals in my safe. All of it is in my subterranean private vault facility in California. Still, I do have valuables worth keeping in my safe and insuring, like my Patek collection. Nobody will ever go through all that hammering and cutting for them.
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No I meant cut the metal of that safe with a plasma torch.

What good will precious metals be if they are cross-country (6K km away) if the SHTF? Are you planning to Mad-Max your way cross-country only to find that building empty? Remember we are talking SHTF an there are no rules.

Of course, a trust like Sprott may have the same issues, so it's all hypothetical anyway.

However, look at the inflation adjusted advantage in PHYS --DOUBLE. I was surprised. if Gold dropped to $800 oz. (unlikely) the ease of liquidity might create a bigger panic in those trust shares and that value advantage might dissipate or be worse. To my thinking, controlling something is more profitable that owning it.
Remember we are talking SHTF an there are no rules.

The precious metals are not there for SHTF scenarios as much as liquid assets to be able to fall back on during the period before such an event. Getting to a point where precious metals have no value, and everyone is living by sword and bullets, will take much longer than the next 20 or 30 years IMO. As well, not all forecasted "falls of civilization" result in unincumbered violence on a world scale. Many of them end with a whimper. This is evident in the rise and fall of many past civilizations.

I don't believe what we see as "preppers" are true preppers. A true prepper will have prepared for many scenarios, not just one where the world goes crazy with killing and looting. There are endless other scenarios we can prep for.

I'm prepared for a many of them.
No I meant cut the metal of that safe with a plasma torch.

Got it! Yeah that is not a good option either as tungsten is a poor conductor believe it or not. Most all jobs requiring the cut of tungsten use diamond blades at excessively high speeds and pressure, must be cooled with continuous flows of liquid, and to get through one six inch long by one half inch deep will take a few hours for one cut, let alone four.

What can a plasma torch cut through? Plasma cutting cuts through electrically conductive materials. Typical materials cut with a plasma torch include steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass and copper, although other conductive metals may be cut as well.

Having the highest melting point of any known metal, at 6192°F, but plasma cutters cannot cut wood, glass, and plastics, or poorly conductive metals like manganese, lead, tungsten, and tin.

Now, tungsten can be made brittle, but I think that requires an extreme cold of some type.

That safe is not solid tungsten --B rated I doubt it is real tungsten alloy even --not for that price LOL.
A pro would have that lock dialer off in a NY second ffs. But they would need to know where and what is there. +the time and opportunity ;)

I guy that wholesaled watches (in Detroit) showed me a Patek Philippe in 1971 (Basic one leather band 18K case) wanted $1,800.00 then IIRC

A stone chisel with a tungsten tip was $60 to $100 30 years ago --bought more than my fair share of those.
We didn't have 'internet wholesale' back then --no idea on the quality. Surprised at the price ...
The case for gold, always an interesting topic. I've dabbled in analyzing data myself, and hitting that R2 of 1.00 feels like striking gold too! Speaking of which, have you ever considered the impact of cutting-edge tech like quantum ai ***LINK REMOVED*** on these predictions? It's like having a crystal ball that's getting sharper with each advancement. Makes you wonder what the future holds, doesn't it?
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