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The Panda Spillover: Back Links via Article Marketing, Done Wrong

Linda Buquet

New Member
Be sure to read it all if you do article marketing for link building. You're likely doing it all wrong and Karon tells you why. Good stuff!

<a href="">The Panda Spillover: Losing Links through Article Marketing</a>
via the Marketing Words Copywriting Blog

Article marketing is a hugely popular method for link building. So much so, that it has lead to the decline of article marketing as we know it simply because writers abandoned their sensibilities when it came to developing article content that would please people as well as the search engines.

The creation of substandard articles produced in mass to flood cyberspace with junk that has no other purpose but to supposedly generate links is an oxymoron.
what if my articles are all unique, we don't resort to spinning articles....will I still get the Panda impact?
If you have them published in article directorties, yes. And the important question is not are they unique but do they have any real value to searchers.