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The Rich Jerk is still making people rich!


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I don't know about you but I'm lazy. I want definitive answers without all of the BS and filler. I want "here is how to make money", and that's it. The mere thought of reading 1,000 pages of marketing mumbo jumbo turns my stomach. Honestly, do you think these people are going to tell you anything useful? Unless you are a complete *****, you're going to get the SAME info you already know. We all know you need a website. I don't need an 87 minute DVD to tell me that, or a 100 page chapter in a book. We all know it's important to get people to visit your website. I don't need another 120 minute audio tape and a 278 page supplemental guide to tell me that. The bottom line is that having thousands of pages, and dozens of hours of video and audio tapes doesn't make a product worthwhile.