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Linda Buquet

New Member
<img class="alignleft size-full wp-image-2048" title="seoscoop" src="" alt="SEO Search news" width="116" height="61" />I decided to occasionally post SEO news that could be of interest to 5 Star readers. Could become a regular weekly feature if there is interest. I know many of you don't scour all the search news sites like I do every day, so thought it may be helpful. <strong>Let me know if you'd like me to do a weekly recap of the most interesting stories and tips I find.</strong>

<strong><a href="">SEW Experts: Writing Sales Copy for Conversions</a>

<a href="">Bad Times Call For Better Marketing, Not Less</a>

<a href="">SEO Trends From 2008 & A Look Into 2009</a>

<a href="">Paid Search Ends 2008 On a Positive Note - Up 12%</a>

<a href="">10 Essential SEO Tools That You Can Not Live Without</a>

<a href="">My 5 favourite YouTube search engine videos</a>

<a href="">Retailers Increase Paid Search Spend</a></strong>