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Review The ShoeMoney network plus Ninja levels


  1. Hi may I draw your attention to the ShoeMoney Network and offer that caught my eye recently . I got an email from John Chow and he is some one I like . He is successful his blog is unique in the way he makes a video while driving in his car a jaguar . Now that in itself is subtle. He is not rubbing my nose in his wealth .So he makes another video on the airplane , showing how he is traveling business class to London, for his World tour conferences . I'd like to do that, complimentary guest lounge and fast track customs ..
  2. Ok thats nice too. I feel like he is a friend not trying to bust me down or make me envious its like we are in it together . But then he sends me an email about the ShoeMoney Network and how you can get paid to pass basic internet modules, like building a site, setting up a FB page ,autoresponder and much more . Well I have just come from another learning site. I paid membership $47 a month for a drip feed of one lesson a week and that was great but it ended and the owner was not in sight . The information was great but I had to opt out .
  3. Then along comes ShoeMoney . And his great offer . I went from white belt to Ninja in one day . And I did get paid .. This was my first money made online. You know they say you never forget your first "Anything" .True Now there have been some hiccups. They the help desk are very responsive , now we have developed a good relationship. They value my input which is good . I like to connect if you know what I mean making it real .
  4. And well I don't try to be someone I am not . Thats too hard not that I don't admire actors . Thats the movie world .I used to be a blacksmith/Farrier and long time ago. We were in the corral getting ready to mount up for the first time. The lead cowboy was assigning the horses he says looking at me "Can you ride ?" well I said "No not really " not a time to overstate your ability could end up on a wild one . And the internet is a little like that . Be honest . More acceptance gained that way we were all newbies once.
  5. Well this is a review from the inside by me . Andrew"NinjaCatnip"Speers Bangkok . This is not a sell but I am doing this because I know there is a heap of learning in here. One thing leads to another but rejecting the shiny object syndrome I am being loyal to the Accidental Hero in the Blue-cape with the Super Dollar logo .
  6. Check him out further he is a fun guy as he said being super fat in someways was a benefit and now he is more normal looking . Life expectancy has increased .
  7. Now I am a relative newbie to this forum to any forum as a matter of fact . I have done a full Review and placed some links not to drum up business but because I believe in this . But I will receive a dollar if you join using my link each time you progress and any of your referrals will too. I am here to scratch your back .
  8. Showing my full hand is aimed at perhaps in some small way igniting rapid and massive action for anyone who is undecided and in doing so am happy and willing to connect on skype or by email carrier pigeon well not carrier pigeon all that is in my profile .
  9. Facebook Page now that was one of the tasks to be done for one dollar that was the green belt the one before black . In most real World dojos green is after yellow but not in Jeremy's Dojo.. mine is Shoe money . com it was called something else and in hindsight I thought to change it you can do that one time .
  10. Then it occurred to me is that going to be a problem . Well not as yet .But Jeremy has a great legal team and has not lost in court . He is fair but sometimes a marketer will use his picture to misrepresent their product . He has built a good reputation will not allow that to happen .
  11. Well I have followed all his Legal Ninja all pages setup . TOS earnings disclaimer DMCA and privacy policy . Now I will show you the picture of his famous Adsense Cheque as he says he was he Google Adsense pinup boy . But that did not protect him from getting axed and Google plays no favorites .
  12. shares my ups and downs in the world of online marketing. It has loyal daily readership of over 50,000 people. This blog has been named the Best Affiliate Marketing Blog and ranks in Technorati’s top 50 blogs for the past three years. He has made millions of dollars over the past five years. See his Adsense Cheque. So thats another reason I like ShoeMoney . Reading about his life its a great story and I can see a movie in there "The accidental Heroes Journey home "


Social proof of payments not a fortune but it all starts with the first Dollar .


  • After joining you just login and on comes a video of Shoe in his comic book super Hero persona . Very successful in his own way coming from dead broke well in deep CC debt and weighing in at over 420 pounds .
  • Thats behind him now . Any way complete the first task and you will get an immediate payment of a dollar .. The logo is a story on its own he was slack at school being a huge Fat kid and spent his time dreaming of wearing a cape and the super-dollar logo .
  • Funny his mother bought him a computer and that was his escape . He said himself his first money online was like tripping on a brick and falling into it . That happens, not to say he did not have all the ideas he admits he may have had ADDT or something similar .

  • Being a fan of MMA he set up the network like a Martial arts Dojo and awarded belts.
  • Now there is a few more down the bottom then Blackbelt Ninja levels.
  • I have learned some good tips there like the ......
  • Legal Ninja Tracking...
  • Ninja Copywriting...
  • Ninja and Youtube Ninja ..
  • See below and the list just grows ...
  • To me not being desperate is a real plus I do this because I love it .
  • Well this is my first thread but don't go easy on me I can take it so don't pull your punches and well positive feedback/comments are ok too


  • Why I like ShoeMoney network is a video made using the Youtube Ninja ranking method .
  • This has opened up a area for SEO for me I never would have dared to approach.
  • Now my video style is unorthodox but thats me it ranked on page 1 for the keywords


  1. Thats Laura not sure where she fits in but anyway I won pretty proud of that and well I just did what was suggested and boom .
  2. Now I know I can do it again I have posted the video below and well we made three all similar in keywords and it works find out more after wading through the belt system and arriving at BlackBelt Ninja ..
  3. I remember reading all the story of the belt gradings of old Japan . Every one starts out white and over the years the belt through use and wear ends up black.. well maybe .

  • Ok this was next video I made for Amanda Hutch she is the client specialist .
  • I am pretty sure I need a specialist and well I am about to offer some ideas
  • The first small competition Amanda put out was to use the Ninja ranking tactic.
  • The object was to beat her and I did which really amazed me .
  • Not sure if it amaze her but it happened almost immediately pingOmatic comes into play .
  • Now this is not a boast but showing what can be done . Social proof its called I think.
  • The thing was we the Ninjas were to hit reply and include our video link .
  • Here is mine and that happened immediately and i did it outranked her .
  • So next I get a congratulatory email and asking for another.
  • Specifically about Why I like the ShoeMoney Network ..
  • OKI use Screen-flow and all this has skyrocketed my use of that .
  • I like snapchat too but thats another story .
