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Ask Me Anything There is no Google Sandbox


Well-Known Member
AffKit Ninja
Wanted to let this slide
but I cannot allow these false claims to gain credibility
--> There is no Google Sandbox
Ankit Thakkar posted a high ranking blog post
"What is The Google Sandbox?"
sometimes gets number 1 on Google
and it contains the most bullcrap I have ever read
really who actually believes this conspiracy theory?
or are you publishing low quality content
on untrustworthy websites
with super high competition
Identifying if your webpage has been sandboxed by Google is a beneficial exercise. If sandboxed, your website will only appear on the search page when you enter the actual domain name. When you search for keywords you’re targeting, Google will not display your site among the top results. If you have used backlinks, they, too, will not be shown.

While it might seem concerning to new webpage owners, the effects of Google Sandbox don’t last long. It all depends on the keywords and the search data. The Google Sandbox period is estimated to last for 6 to 8 months. Once this period passes, your website will be able to rank for keywords you’re targeting. <<<


You only appear on your domain query if your content is mediocre or there is something seriously wrong.
The exception would be during the first 10 days of being spidered (usually).
The Google Sandbox period is estimated to last for 6 to 8 months
By who?
where is the source?
Google denies it outright
so its just another conspiracy theory
until proven otherwise
I have NEVER waited more than 1 month for SEO traffic
would have to be doing something very wrong
quality content never gets quarantined
just doesnt happen
Why do call centers employ people
who cant speak & understand customers language?
the companies must know it gets us pissed
yet they continue to do it
we need to rise up
yet they continue to do it
we need to rise up

It really needs to come to an end. It is ridiculous. They sit there on the phone watching the monitor which transcribes the callers words and automatically produces the script for the call center employee. It is fraudulent in my mind. It is not customer service. I have been discontinuing relationships with companies that employ these foreign call centers as well as those that employ "read from a script" customer service practices.