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Tips you wish someone had told you before


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Tell us a tip you wish someone had told you before you started affiliate marketing, or when you were a beginner.
Something that would help newbies or maybe also experts..

- Samira
I started in 2004 --that's like dinosaur times compared to today.
Only the core selling principles and the business practices attitudes might be the same --people and their motiovations have changed little.
When I started, my path wasn't clear. So I thought I would write content on different niches to get affiliate income from everywhere.
And filled my website with so many different categories.
It looked cool initially, but ultimately I realized that you could not be perfect in any niche if you are selecting so many.

There are so many other blogs that write articles in those niches, and their content is also excellent, so why would someone read my article instead of theirs?
Quit your job asap and start an online business.
Start your business before quitting you job, that's a risk .. especially these days, you might stay struggling and losing your money without earning .. you should start a business while you have a job, quit it just when you start to earn..
And yes, you're right, your own online business is DEFINITELY better than having a boss.. struggling with transportation everyday going to work .. or taking 1/3 of your day just on your outfit and make up.. lol for me that was a nightmare

✿ Samira ✿

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