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Toplist Directories - Just How Useful?


New Member
I've thought about promoting my Bid Directory by submitting it to a number of toplists and putting the referral code in the footer. Just what's it like for traffic? I ran a toplist for a while and it got me a PR6, but not sure of the value of it too a member on it.
Never used any top lists and will not insert theirs crazy banners to my footers...
You can promote your bidding directory through submitting it to other bidding directories with top bid (link leader) IMO.

Some toplists don't require a linkback banner... I like those... but they're extremely hard to find. The few I use are extremely specialized, though, so not of much general use.
I agree with Skinner, however there are toplist directories that do not require any link back/banner that is the ones I usually bother to submit, the rest I ignore.

- Meti
I really never submitted any of my directories to these top sites & I really wonder If they really send in some traffic !
I can't believe people fall for this stuff. there are no top lists, no top anything - everything has to be Top, well it's not.

Lists only mean one thing - SPAM with a capital S.


Add your site to some directory list and your details will be passed on or sold so fast, then you'll be sorry. I get 2000 spam emails per month, without adding myself to dodgy directory lists. Trust me it aint worth it.
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