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Are you looking into how to convert Antivirus and Utilities Software offers? Utilities software offers are very popular within affiliate marketing because, at an age in time where we spend long hours on the internet, they respond to the need to keep end users’ devices optimized, functional, safe, and up and running. So, if you are an affiliate beginner who has never promoted Antivirus and Utilities Software offers, you are most definitely missing out! On today’s blog we will tell you what exactly is the Antivirus and Utilities Software vertical, why you should be promoting Antivirus and Utilities Software offers, the best traffic sources to do so, and will give you top tips and best practices to maximize your Antivirus and Utilities Software offers.

What is the Antivirus and Utilities Software vertical in affiliate marketing?

Before we get into how to convert Antivirus and Utilities Software offers, let’s learn about the Utilities vertical. Antivirus and Utilities Software is very popular amongst end users because it is a type of software that is designed to help them easily optimize and manage their devices such as computers, tablets and mobile phones. And the best part is that they can download all this software from the internet, without the need to go to an IT shop to buy it. We are talking about tools and apps designed to perform tasks to improve the performance, security, and functionality of a device. Here are a few types utilities software:

#1 Antivirus: These softwares are designed to detect and remove malware, viruses, and malicious software that represent a threat to the end user’s devices.

#2 System optimizers: System optimizers can help the end user improve their device’s performance by removing unnecessary data and managing system resources.

#3 Disk cleaners: Similar to above, these toolsscan devices’ hard drives to clean them from unnecessary files in order to improve performance.

#4 Disk defragmenters: Disk defragmenters help end users organize their device’s hard drive to improve system performance.

#5 Backup and recovery: With these tools end users can create copies of their data and restore it if they ever lose it or their device breaks.

#6 File compression: With this kind of software end users can compress files and folders to save up on storage and make them faster to transfer.

#7 Disk encryption: With these tools end users can encrypt data on their device to protect it from unauthorized access.

Now, lets get into how to promote Antivirus and Utilities offers as an affiliate beginner:

How to convert Antivirus and Utilities Software offers as an affiliate beginner

So, in short, the Antivirus and Utilities Software vertical’s function is to provide end users with tools and software designed to guarantee system maintenance, security, efficiency, data recovery, and a better user experience. And this is a great vertical for you to promote as an affiliate marketing beginner because these services are well sought after, since pretty much everyone owns at least one device, which they will need to keep functional and well-protected! Now, let’s get you started into how to convert Antivirus and Utilities Software offers as an affiliate beginner – Let’s take a look:

#1 What are the best traffic sources?

Let’s start with your best traffic sources to promote Antivirus and Utilities offers as an affiliate beginner: There are multiple great traffic sources available for you to use, especially if you are using a reputable Affiliate Network such as TORO Advertising, however, these are the best performing ones for the Antivirus and Utilities Software vertical:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SO, one of the best traffic sources to convert Antivirus and Utilities offers is Organic search traffic, because it brings end users who have been looking for the service or solution that you offer and have come across it by searching for specific keywords. Working with SEO will provide you with the most relevant and qualified traffic for your offers in the mid and long term!


Push Notifications: Push Notifications are clickable pop-up messages that appear on the end user’s device’s browser. This ad format consists of an image, an icon on the left and text on the right. When the end user clicks on the Push Notification, he is driven to the advertiser’s offer page. The Push method connects your ads with the right audience in a user-friendly and non-intrusive way.


Native: Native ads match the look and feel of the editorial content of a website. You can get really creative because getting a higher CTR for Native ads is all about psychology in order to create meaningful engagement from a potential customer who is viewing the website where your ad is placed. Once a user clicks on your Native ad they should be taken to a Landing Page, where you can work your magic to get them to convert.


Display: Display ads give you the opportunity to show your Antivirus and Utilities Software offers in a wide variety of ad formats, giving you the potential to reach end users on websites globally. Also, Display advertising is a great medium to raise awareness of your affiliate offers, and achieve high conversion rates from end users who may have found your ad relevant to the solution they were looking for, although they might have not known of your brand beforehand.


#2 What is the best conversion flow to promote Antivirus and Utilities offers as an affiliate beginner?

Next on how to convert Antivirus and Utilities Software offers are conversion flows. There are two potential conversion flows that you can use for Antivirus and Utilities offers: CPS and CPI:

CPS(Cost per sale): This is a very simple conversion flow where Advertisers pay their Affiliates for every sale, meaning when a transaction made by credit card is completed. So, every time an end user decides to purchase one of your Antivirus or Utilities Software offers, you get paid.

CPI (Cost per Install): Another great conversion flow for Antivirus and Utilities Software is CPI (Cost per Install) which is also a relatively simple conversion flow in affiliate marketing. CPI conversions are some of the most common and straight-forward in affiliate marketing: To complete a conversion, end users have to download the software and open it.

#3 How do I find the right audience?

As an affiliate marketer, it is important to gather information about your target audience: What type of content your target audience prefers in order to make them buy the product? Which platforms or medium do they use the most in order to find their content? Does your target audience have similar values to the brand or product values? What age groups? Where in the world are they? What devices do they own? All these and more questions need to be answered before setting up your affiliate campaign so that you can reach the right audience and generate successful results. Read this article if you want more information on targeting the right audience for your affiliate marketing offers.

#4 How do I build my ad creatives and copy?

Ad creatives and copy play a crucial role within an advertising campaign as their quality and how eye-catching they are will ultimately define whether your ad gets clicked or not. And this directly affects your revenues! So, make sure that you design attention grabbing creatives and compelling texts that are very clear about what it is that you are offering, and capture the end users’ interest. For instance, if you are advertising an Antivirus offer, make sure that you speak about how safe the end user’s device and their data will be after they have installed this service. Reflect that idea both in your creatives and copy.

#5 What about my landing page?

Creating a great looking landing page that has clear and compelling information about your Advertiser’s offer is crucial to attract the right audience, make them feel interested in what you are offering and ultimately lead them to your desired path and action, which in this case is downloading Software. You could include small tutorials, information about the Software and specs, reviews from current users, etc. Learn how to increase landing page conversion rates here.

Continuing on, let’s look at the best practices to convert Antivirus and Utilities offers!

Tips and best practices to promote Antivirus and Utilities offers as an affiliate beginner

TIP! Test out all Tiers: Especially Tier 2 and Tier 3 countries can be a great way to start. Because they are not only cheaper than Tier 1, which means that you can generate conversions and good performance with a smaller investment, but also, end users in Tier 2 and Tier 3 countries tend to have devices which are less up-to-date than on Tier 1, which means that they tend to need more software to protect and optimize their devices.

TIP! Follow your Advertisers’ specs: Remember to follow each one of your Advertiser’s specifications at all time, since it is their brand which you will be promoting, after all – Each Advertiser defines their own rules and conditions for their Software offer and brand. Also, ensure that your affiliate marketing campaign does not use prohibited traffic sources. Lastly, don’t forget to read your Advertiser’s Terms and Conditions: Don’t let your conversions be lost because of a rule about which you have been previously advised!

TIP! Split test your creatives: Design different style creatives and test them out. For example, if you are promoting an Optimization Software offer, you could take two different approaches: You could talk about how quick and functional your computer is going to be after running it, or you could go fully techie and talk about the platform and the technology itself. Create ads to represent both approaches and run A/B tests of each to see what works best.

TIP! Be transparent: Remember that the goal here is promoting services that will improve the end user’s devices. It is NOT your objective to scare them into purchasing it! So, talk about each Software’s features and why it is fantastic for your end user. Do not tell them how much in danger their device is without that product, and do not exaggerate its perks.

TIP! Optimize your offer for all devices: Most people carry smartphones everywhere and see affiliate marketing content through their mobile devices. However, most Utilities Software is aimed at computer devices. So, make sure that your ads are responsive on all devices by adjusting your targeting settings when working with a traffic source. Then, adapt your offer’s creatives and behavior to display properly on all devices and focus on a great user experience. This works at a landing page level too: If you have several landing pages available, you could ask your AM which one of them is performing best in each device.

TIP! Work with a reputable Affiliate Network: To make the most of your Affiliate offers it is always a good practice to spend some time researching an Affiliate Network that can offer your high-performing offers, top EPCs, higher payouts, on time payments, with your first payment from $50!

Are you thinking of joining the TORO Advertising Affiliate Network? Still have questions on how to convert Antivirus and Utilities Software offers? Or maybe you want to learn more best practices to convert Antivirus and Utilities offers? Get in touch with our team or sign up now and become one of our Affiliates!
