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UK Directories that provide decent traffic



Is there any UK web directories that provide decent traffic to your website.
I think Haabaa is a great source for traffic, operated by Temi. Haabaa is one of the most well-known web directories around, provides a vast range of features for its users and should be a great source for traffic.

  • Look for established directories, preferably specialist in a certain industry.
  • Ignore the empty ones, as nobody searches them. No businesses listed.
  • Most only set up for submitters and to rake in fees so avoid becos they won't last long. And you want your link to survive don't you!
The good ones will last (and so will your link) - you can tell:

Nice, attractive design
Established at least 2 years
Have hundreds of business already listed
Good value and reasonable fees
Non-adsense (preferably)
Might be more than a directory
Could be part of a larger company
Lists non-webmaster sites
Probably specialises in something (If so, users will trust)
Owner will have passion eg: not in it for the buck

If the above is true, then it likely gets good traffic. Sometimes you can tell a lot about a site by how good the design is, so use that as a first step kind of guide, than judging by Pagerank or Alexa etc.

If the directory is brand newish and fees are high (£50+), stay away from it. It won't get the traffic.

Golden rule: If hardly any sites listed, then nobody knows about it, lists their sites or pays for enhanced adverts.
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True, but also theres not many quality UK directory's with high PR, and the ones that do charge a very high rate to list your website on there. Is there any directories that has a good PR but is free with no reciprocal?
True, but also theres not many quality UK directory's with high PR, and the ones that do charge a very high rate to list your website on there. Is there any directories that has a good PR but is free with no reciprocal?

There's not unfortuntely, many are sadly, set up to sell PR and offer zero return for your advertisers, which goes against a search engine existence.

A site is supposed to deliver:

Conversion to sales
Be noticed

now all people think matter is pagerank, probably becos their selling PR themselves. This is why I only seek out targeted sites, at least hopefully some target visitors come my way. I said hopefully and not certainty becos few even do that these days. Directories isn't what I spend my cash on anyway, not the bulk of it I don't.

Few decent resources out there, which probably explains that it's such a risk setting one up, it costs thousands to do it properly, and a directory can still fail - losing all that money. Best thing to do is thoroughly check out what you pay for and set a limit on what you spend for a link.


Will it fit my industry
Will it send traffic
How much is each link
Chances of directory shutting down
Will it's domain be memorable
How established is it
Who's behind the directory (Professional company or idiot)
Is it a scam or genuine business
Does it promote itself beyond PR or link hoarding
Does it look crap or cheap
What are it's intentions/future

Chances are it's none of the above, but I suggest monitoring each one (that you consider quality) for a while, it could save you from a rip-off.

Most of the basic listings are worthless and paid ads are considerably better return, but always check prices.
uhm is there any free UK directories that will also give you good traffic source?

or all good traffic source are paid :D
uhm is there any free UK directories that will also give you good traffic source?

or all good traffic source are paid :D

Er, no mmmm not really, and this is the thing. Many use directoris as a link dropping tool mainly for the backlink 'count', little else in it - it's like an obssession or ego thing and not doing their sites much good.

Actually thinking about it, anyone who posts constantly to general directories leaves a trail that says:

1. They don't obey Google
2. No marketing knowledge
3. They copy others

plus the listing websites only has directories linking to it. Directory links are of low value and link pages on most are worthless, so not even PR is being passed on, as most don't promote themselves , many are not maintained so zero traffic value so I don't bother even submitting anymore.

The only directories that will do well now are specialist hubs. Saying that there are many related sites out there (b2b business/non directory) which are far better targeting anyway, so why not just link with those.