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Use trackers not for affiliate sales


Hi folks, I'm new to affiliate marketing but not to digital marketing. I drive traffic to the product or services of my clients through Facebook and Adwords.
I'm quite successful with this and I'm getting into the CPA right now.

Since I'm discovering how to use a Tracker (so confusing with all the tags, postback, etc) i was wondering if it could be a good idea to use a tracker in order to track the Fb campaigns of my clients (not affiliate offers).

Now i monitor all in the Facebook Ads Manager so it's quite fine to me. Is there any advantage to use a Tracker for this purpose?
Look at the Facebook docs for a tracker postback
The advantage is you can combine the client accounts (if you can aggregate them to the same post-back URL [should --with 'anal Facebook --who knows])
Unless, you use an api to place ads you would still have to use the Facebook interface --is it really worth the effort? Depends on the number of clients and time spent on their stats --individually.
Hi Nifty Stats tracks your campaigns on Facebook as well. You can also tracking individual campaigns. Let me know if you have any questions.