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Used any SEO software lately?


New Member
Have you used or been using any SEO software recently that you will like to review on this thread?
I sometimes use IBP & ARELIS on my adult shop which now has top 10 rankings in G uk for some words. But i notice some of the recommendations do more harm than good. Luckily overtime it has come more clear how to make positive changes without the use of the program. Though i still use it as a reference point sometimes.
At the moment I don't use any software but in the past I use Webceo, but the only feature I really find useful is the automated keyword ranking feature.
automated keyword ranking feature.
I am not familiar with that software can you describe that feature in detail? With the use of the word "automated" sounds like it creates the page for you
Temi, it is not an expressed software but a wonderful script called seodigger, a very powerful tool to diversify the keyword basket of your sites spying your competitor's results. After filling the input with a domain the tool will return the best keywords/keyphrases which can easiliy sorted by overture or wortracker data.
I think it worth a try.:)
I am not familiar with that software can you describe that feature in detail? With the use of the word "automated" sounds like it creates the page for you

Actually Jamie, I do not use it anymore, I use it a few years ago, but I believe Bagi has a copy because a few weeks back he sent me some keyword position reports that was generated by Webceo
I don't use any at present and have not really thought about since some years ago when I knocked it on the head. Do many people even use SEO software?
Always preffer the hard manual work but sometimes I use WebCEO which is a pretty helpful piece of software in my opinion. I also use a semi- automatic website submiter for big link building campaigns