I own 2 computers: 1 runing Windows XP and one Linux (Fedora Core) from the linux machine I have scan my windows machine ports and I got this results:
Starting nmap 3.81 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2005-06-30 15:05 EEST
Warning: OS detection will be MUCH less reliable because we did not find at least 1 open and 1 closed TCP port
Interesting ports on ovi (xx.xx.62.66):
(The 1658 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: filtered)
80/tcp open http?
443/tcp open https?
1025/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows msrpc
5000/tcp open upnp Microsoft Windows UPnP
5101/tcp open admdog?
Device type: general purpose
Running: Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME|NT/2K/XP
OS details: Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me), Windows 2000 Pro or Advanced Server, or Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 2000 SP3, Microsoft Windows XP SP1
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 77.043 seconds
So you can see this ports are opened:
1025/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows msrpc
5000/tcp open upnp Microsoft Windows UPnP
I could not close this ports from any firewall runing on the windows machine. At the moment I run Sygate Personal Firewall. I have close that port even incoming than outgoing without success.
Now came the best part from the linux machine I try to conect to the windows machine trough that ports and surprise. The connection was ok. I could not done nothing bad but I am convinced that if I have the proper exploit I could done something bad.
Here is the log for the connection:
[root@dell ~]# telnet xx.xx.62.66 1025
Trying xx.xx.62.66...
Connected to xx.xx.62.66 (
Escape character is '^]'.
[root@dell ~]# telnet xx.xx.62.66 5000
Trying xx.xx.62.66...
Connected to xx.xx.62.66 (
Escape character is '^]'.
[root@dell ~]# telnet xx.xx.62.66 5101
Trying xx.xx.62.66...
Connected to xx.xx.62.66 (
Escape character is '^]'.
So you can see the connection was done
I am sure that everyone that run Win XP have this problem.
Can anyone advise?
Starting nmap 3.81 ( http://www.insecure.org/nmap/ ) at 2005-06-30 15:05 EEST
Warning: OS detection will be MUCH less reliable because we did not find at least 1 open and 1 closed TCP port
Interesting ports on ovi (xx.xx.62.66):
(The 1658 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: filtered)
80/tcp open http?
443/tcp open https?
1025/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows msrpc
5000/tcp open upnp Microsoft Windows UPnP
5101/tcp open admdog?
Device type: general purpose
Running: Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME|NT/2K/XP
OS details: Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me), Windows 2000 Pro or Advanced Server, or Windows XP, Microsoft Windows 2000 SP3, Microsoft Windows XP SP1
Nmap finished: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 77.043 seconds
So you can see this ports are opened:
1025/tcp open msrpc Microsoft Windows msrpc
5000/tcp open upnp Microsoft Windows UPnP
I could not close this ports from any firewall runing on the windows machine. At the moment I run Sygate Personal Firewall. I have close that port even incoming than outgoing without success.
Now came the best part from the linux machine I try to conect to the windows machine trough that ports and surprise. The connection was ok. I could not done nothing bad but I am convinced that if I have the proper exploit I could done something bad.
Here is the log for the connection:
[root@dell ~]# telnet xx.xx.62.66 1025
Trying xx.xx.62.66...
Connected to xx.xx.62.66 (
Escape character is '^]'.
[root@dell ~]# telnet xx.xx.62.66 5000
Trying xx.xx.62.66...
Connected to xx.xx.62.66 (
Escape character is '^]'.
[root@dell ~]# telnet xx.xx.62.66 5101
Trying xx.xx.62.66...
Connected to xx.xx.62.66 (
Escape character is '^]'.
So you can see the connection was done
I am sure that everyone that run Win XP have this problem.
Can anyone advise?