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[Video Interview] A forum worth £1 000 000. Oliver Kenyon, AffiliateFix ex-owner, on the affiliate c


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We talked to Oliver Kenyon, a founder of AffiliateFix, the largest affiliate forum in the world.

AffiliateFix founder told us how this platform with an audience of more than 100,000 affiliates was established and how it turned from a small forum into a major company that was subsequently sold and made Oliver a millionaire.

Oliver aspired to create a white hat affiliate community that would enable people to support each other in word and deed, although not always for free. Over time AffiliateFix became the largest platform for open and honest communication between affiliates.

We learned why a forum is better than a Facebook group, even though a community takes much more time and effort to develop than a Facebook page. We also discussed forum monetization and why moving away from selling ads on a monthly contract helped the forum to increase its revenue and strengthen its position.

Oliver sold AffiliateFix, but now he is actively developing other projects: IM.Deals and Landing Page Guys, both of which will be helpful to affiliates.

Enjoy the interview and green ROI to everyone!
