Mentors, Teachers, Tutors: So I'm maybe halfway to getting a functional offer and ad running. Or maybe I'm only ten percent ACTUALLY done. I can't see the finish line. Tracking feels complicated. Changing DNS A records and CNAME records was more than I knew from the start. But these are like "keys" in-the "Ignition", (right) Foot on-the [GAS] pedal--in-neutral, (left) Foot on-the "Clutch", fully-depressed. For the beginner driver, it's like Algebra. In time, all smooth and second-nature to most of us now. I learn easily with someone showing me. I live in the East Bay Area. I'd be happy to compensate you if you can help me get an offer and ad fully running and tracking, and you've got me UNDERSTANDING how to do it myself. As I develop more offers, more ads, tweaking and refining, optimizing the process, I'd be happy to consult with you again if success yields from mentoring and learning. Please reach out if you can and would like to help me just get started. Maybe even through video chat, a phone call? I work with MaxBounty, Clickmagic, Landingi, and Namecheap, and considering ads through Bing. I have these pieces, but the puzzle doesn't seem to click together. Help?
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