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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Announcement Want to be integrated in TrackingDesk?


Active Member
This is a message for ad networks and affiliate programs.

One of our tracking software main feature is the native integration with ad networks, affiliate networks and affiliate technologies.

Ad networks - Over 40 integration to date, including 50onred, trafficvance, leadimpact etc...
Affiliate networks - Over 100, including peerfly, maxbounty,, clickbank, mundomedia etc...
Affiliate technologies - Cake, Hasoffers (via api), Linktrust, Incomeaccess, CellXpert

These integrations allow our users to quickly get started without having to go through the technical struggle of configuring traffic source tokens and postback, configuring affiliate program custom variables and pixel tracking, and for the affiliate networks running on Hasoffers, our API integration sync the affiliate account offers/payout/url etc... as well as the conversions and revenues.

Just by going through the "tracking forum" you will quickly realize how affiliates - newbies and sometimes experienced - hit walls due to those technical issues.

So if anyone who hasn't been integrated yet in TrackingDesk and wish to be integrated, you can post here the relevant info such as: custom parameters, postback formats, affiliate technology and any other relevant info so we can pass it to our dev team.

Your affiliates and media buyers will greatly appreciate it!!

Best regards,