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Want To Start With DNTX. Any Review?

Summer Saunders

I have searched on the internet and found they are authentic as well as PR is high. Do you have any positive or negative experience with DNTX? I am looking for some feedbacks. Thank you.
I have searched on the internet and found they are authentic as well as PR is high. Do you have any positive or negative experience with DNTX? I am looking for some feedbacks. Thank you.
I'm also testing DNTX, so far I had 1 campaign with direct linking, spend about $30.
This was just my first test, without conversions, simply because I wasn't focusing on conversion, just wanted how this traffic works with tracking etc.

preparing 2nd campaing, this time the proper one, with multiple landers, and multiple offers and bigger budget.
DNTX as of late has a lot of junk. You will have to be running traffic for quite a while to figure out what's working.

I highly suggest using Keyword or Category targeting as running RON is for sure a waste of money.l
DNTX as of late has a lot of junk. You will have to be running traffic for quite a while to figure out what's working.

I highly suggest using Keyword or Category targeting as running RON is for sure a waste of money.l
I was doing few campaigns on DNTX recently using their ZeroClick, PPC and Pop traffic, all with keyword and/or category targeting.
I got few specific sourceids of targets that I got some clicks on my landers, but without any ROI.
I also was bidding higher then average suggested bid.

What kind of budget do you think is proper just for testing to get a nice list of targets to whitelist?
Do you have also other suggesttion for example about bidding?
Anyone using DNTX and can share their bidding strategy?

Their traffic estimator tool shows an "average bid" price and "high bid" price. Most targets have a "high bid" price of $0.50 and over. How do capture traffic? What type of offers do you run? Can you do volume when bids are this high?

Seems crazy expensive to run on DNTX.
I've tried with targeted traffic: categories, keywords and localization targeting with bids from 0.01 to 0.04 for pop and redirected traffic. Here you can see this test attached.

Very poor traffic, 2 conversions, lot of visits. Redirected to multiple offers, 3 different landing pages.

For me this is not a good traffic source but you need to test it on your own.

Good luck!


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I ran on DNTX for a while to test alongside other traffic sources. DNTX showed a lot of out of geo traffic based on my analytics, plus very low conversions. This was for a dating offer some time ago that had converted very well for me on other traffic sources. Would not bother with them unless you have some proven methods on their platform. Too many other places to get higher converting traffic.
I have an affiliate that tried it... DNTX wouldn't even convert a CPC offer (those convert per click)... So make your determination on that.
I ran on DNTX for a while to test alongside other traffic sources. DNTX showed a lot of out of geo traffic based on my analytics, plus very low conversions. This was for a dating offer some time ago that had converted very well for me on other traffic sources. Would not bother with them unless you have some proven methods on their platform. Too many other places to get higher converting traffic.

Where to?
I have some smaller websites that get their own traffic and generate great CTR. So what I am doing is a smaller test on Dntx where I am buying some redirect traffic (zero-click) based on keywords.

The first thing I want to test is to see what happens with that traffic coming to the website. I know my average metrics for my visitors, so I want to see if I proportionately get as many additional clicks as you would expect for that additional traffic.

Then I was going to do a second test on my strongest offer(s). Basically set up a separate page so I can do a mini pre-sell.

And then I was going to test direct linking to the strongest offers.

I just set up the account over this weekend, so I should be approved on Monday. I know I am doing something different here, probably not what most would do. But since I already know my CTR's and the vendors' conversion rates, I thought it could be a fair test of the traffic.

I'll let you guys know how I get along.