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Web Domain Strategy


New Member

I work for a tourism company who operate in a particular segment of the tourism industry. Back in the early days, they were savvy enough to grab a good volume of url's which were segment based and location based i.e. topic-locationdotcom etc. Being a small business they never got around to commercially developing the sites apart from one or two so I've been brought in the monetize their web url or urls depending on the route we go for.

My question is related to my objective:

They have a good generic url which could hold all the content that the topic-location urls could hold. This already ranks well within one target market but if they wanted to stretch that out to further target markets, content development and a link building strategy would need to commence.

My objective is to build traffic to generate ad dollars.
What's the more effective route for a Small / Medium sized enterprize?
Develop the existing url which has solid PR?
Develop out the other location/topic urls with nothing on the board at the moment.

It's all about building traffic at the end of the day as cheaply as possible and as soon as possible.

Personally, if I was to build a network of sites with a total of 500k uniques versus one site with 300k then it makes more sense to invest more time and resource for the 500k option. The urls could then be underpinned through an umbrella brand which links the different urls together similar to the Yahoo Network of sites.

Question is how to know which option will yield more traffic!?!