I sort of share you sentiment about knowing someone before entering into partnership with them, same with me, I think I need to have know a person for sometime before going into partnership but some people are more adventurous and they do enter into partnership with strangers, there is even a website in UK that bring strangers together to buy a house because most first time buyers cannot buy a house alone any more.
I think it can work if you are in the same country, you just draw up a legal document that spells out what the commitment and obligations of each part is and how to terminate the partnership is one person is not pulling his weight.
But I still will not go into partnership with someone I do not know and have a flavor of the kind of person they are.
It's a normal practice when two ore more parties go into business together - one provides money and other skills.
You have to legally protect yourself and clearly define relationship as Temi suggested because if business takes off you don't want to fight for your share...
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