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Welcome To Chapter One...

Stephon Anderson

New Member
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”

Mark Twain said that and he would know. By the time he published his most famous work “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” in 1876, he had already been a steam boat Captain, a gold and silver prospector, and a journalist.

He had already lived several lives and worn many hats, but it never seemed to stop him from turning the page and starting again in a new direction, with the hope of success in his sights.

Over the course of the next 30 days I am going to be giving you a fantastic education in online business.

You are going to be learning everything from traffic driving strategy and content creation to email marketing and membership programs. We are going to cover a ton of information this month and when we are finished you are going to be so much better for it.

But I am going to ask you to suspend your disbelief and to take a cue from Mr. Twain. I want you to take that first step because as we all know, the secret to getting ahead in online business is simply...getting started.

Tomorrow, we are going to be diving into the awesome foundational subject of list building. Building a responsive list is going to be the cornerstone of your online business and it’s going to be really exciting to get that business up and running!

Before we get started though here are a few tools I want you to have:

One) An autoresponder (mailchimp is free if you cannot afford one right now)
Two) A website (you can use a wix site if you cannot afford one right now)
Three) A gmail account (make sure this one is for your business)
Four) A google drive account (free when you have a gmail account)
Five) A youtube channel (free)

Okay, those are all the tools you need to get started building a list and making money online.

That’s it for today, and I will see you in the next one!

Stephon Anderson

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