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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

What about bans?

You get a % of fees I believe, unless your niche is houses or bentleys you may not find it worth your time. And they give you a bounty for new account sign ups, but.......many people already have ebay accounts. You need a decent amount of traffic to see some substantial numbers.
DON'T go to the BANs site right now.

1st it looked like their host banned their account. Then it turned out they were hacked. Have been down for awhile. At one point a virus would try to download if you entered the site. They are working on things and the site has been up and down. I still wouldn't go until you know it's all cleared up.

Also since Bans is based around eBay on CJ and now eBay is LEAVING CJ things are going to change. But Kevin from Bans said he's already talking to eBay about the change and will have a solution. I have to think though that just like drect eBay/CJ affiliates, all Bans sites are going to have to change out all their eBay links. What a pain.
BANS is probably going to be a thing of the past once eBay comes out with their in-house program. The developers may change it to make it compatible for current users, but honestly I feel that ebay made this switch so that they can come out with their own software that does this (free of charge).
With the ever changing Internet, ebay really has not changed much over the course of time, but I believe their time is up and coming.

I believe ebay is finally starting to understand the power of the online niche stores linking directly to the auctions (or buy it know) by using the BANS script.

Some people will not like the changes as it may hurt their existing business, but others may come ahead.

If you are interested in the BANS, go into ebay first and look around at the newsletters and all the information for what they have up and coming.

You can also go into their forums and see what everyone there is talking about, I am sure you will see discussions on changes coming
I would not start a new Bans site right now or even look at it until the stuff with the New eBay Partner Network gets sorted out. Need to see if and how Bans will adapt to the new links. Would be dumb to do anything until that is sorted out, tested and official.

Here's some info I just posted about the new eBay Partner Network that is important for eBay affiliates to read and Bans affiliates to be aware of.