
What's going on guys ?
I would like to start a case study to help someone out and give some advices for making money in the WordWideWeb.
So I have few case studys in mind, but can't do them all at once, so Im asking you guys, what you would be interested to see.
So basically I will have 100$, and try to make as much as possible ( 100$ is something that anyone should have)
The types of case study I would want to create :
1. Based on spamming - I would show how to spam the shit out of Tagged and make pretty decent money from content locking or generating dating leads. This one has one of the biggest earning potentional and is easy to automate most of the work, but it's not passive.
2. SEO - It's the main thing what Im doing, and it's a great source of income and when it's done it's 100% passive income if you don't scale up. It would have some great tips, how to build links, a bit about keyword research and other stuff.
3. Ranking YouTube video - This is something I haven't done much, but Im pretty confident that i could rank and get some decent money going. It would include all what I would do to make that $$ .
Im not saying that I would make it profitable as I would test lot of things out in any of those above method, but still the information would be valuable.
So what would you like to see ?