The Most Active and Friendliest
Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“Adavice”/  “CPA

What is affiliate marketing?

About Affiliate Marketing


Affiliate marketing implies using one site to drive traffic to another, is a form of online marketing, which is frequently overlooked by advertisers. Advertisers pay commission to the affiliate if the affiliate generate sales.

thankyou Mwong and mc cain for your inputs........... now , typically , for a newbie like me , what is the ballpark figure earned....... is it in the tens, hundreds , or thousands of $$ ??:confused:
Hi Tired of Being Tired,

Welcome to 5 Star. I know affiliates that make 50,000 - 200,000 a month.
(Much of that is probably spent on advertising, so it's not all profit.)

People that make that much are rare. 98% of affiliates only make a couple hundred a month. I would say a good average is around 2,000 - 3,000 a month.

So those are some ranges after you learn the ropes. If you are just starting, it really depends on variety of factors. Your skillset, the niche you choose, whether you have any advertising dollars or are starting on a shoestring.

In general if you don't have money to advertise and don't have any site building and marketing skills, it can take time to learn it all and start to earn any income.

Just trying to be realistic. If you are prepared to work, learn and invest time it came be quite a nice living, but it's not get rich quick.
Affiliate Marketing


Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways of increasing the sales of our products. We have a website and have affiliates to our site. These affiliates promote our site there by increasing the sales for which we pay commission to the affiliates.

I just wanted to add something that I feel is extremely important when beginning your affiliate marketing adventure.

Many affiliates simply sell products on their site/blog and then the affiliate link takes the reader to yet more selling, if you can get them to even click through. Always remember that most of your traffic is probably not intentionally surfing online to find stuff to buy.

Think hard and deep about what you have as far as knowledge and strengths. I don't mean Internet marketing stuff either. As Linda always kindly warns new marketers, you don't start out marketing online by selling Internet marketing info products if you're new and have yet to make even your 1st $1 yet.

The first time I saw Linda tell someone that, I thought "If only I had found this forum and this honest and smart lady way back then..."

That is in my top 10 favorite pieces of advice from any marketer in all the 3 years I've been sifting through all the muck to find people like this, for example. Listen to what people like Linda tell you and also TAKE ACTION.

Back to affiliate marketing, I was saying you should try to nestle into a nice little, not too ungodly competitive, niche that YOU feel comfortable creating original and valuable content for.

Maybe, if you list some of your strengths, passions, and special skills (and yes, you DO have these. We all do) we could all help you out in finding where you fit into this crazy puzzle.

Never Stop Asking Questions,
Hi tired of being tired,

I think the first thing you need to do is to get your mind right. As your name implies, something might be bothering you and pulling your motivation down.

You need a lot of motivation if you want to start affiliate marketing as your income source. And starting your own business with a distracted mind can be a huge disadvantage to you.

I think you can't change your username in the forum but that is OK. Just remember to settle whatever is bothering you before you start the business.

Besides, there are a lot of members here who are willing to help to motivate you. :D
Just to clear up what was said about the username. It is possible for the member to have it changed by contacting either Linda or me.

Thank you so much for the kind words. They mean more than you know!
Comments like yours are what drives me to try to keep helping people.

Where's that {{{hugs}}} smiley when I need it??? :)

As others have said, Affiliate Marketing takes a knowledge of specific techniques and tools, BUT the most important thing is the motivation and dedication of believing in yourself and the hard work that it takes to reach success.

To accept the failures, and learn from them, and basically just DOING IT, and not letting anything deter you from your goals.

thankyou for your werds of wisdom. now , aside from a computer , what tangible things do I need to get started in this business??:confused:

Well you need to start learning what it's about and most important HOW TO DO IT!, start with niche and niche research and then learn the relevance of keywords, that is a good start.
You will not be owning your own business unless you invest money into it. By means of a start up cost, or buying products yourself and re selling them, announcement or something along those lines. Owning a business is not free. I wrote some things down that might help you to see for yourself if this is a good business to get involved in, using my business as an example. If on the list it checks out (you may have to do some research) but if it all checks out, then you can chose to do it. IF it's a business, don't just try it. You need to devote time and effort into it and build it. If your going to just try a business, you will most likely fail!