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AffKit Ninja
I get alot of ideas and write alot of notes, diagrams, system plans, so on (gets it out my head so I can focus what I'm doing), and for many years it was on paper, stacking up piles of notebooks that never got used or re-read mainly because the information wasn't organized - eventually I scanned all the notes (took 4 consecutive weekends), but haven't got around to converting them to indexable documents as I haven't investigated what software solves it

Fast-forward to the modern age and I continue to write out notes, but now using Google Documents (Stored in Google Drive, backed up weekly to a USB), but I found both the American and European date formats problematic
I use YMD date format to organize the notes - YEAR / MONTH / DATE

This way on the USB stick and Google Drive all my note files automatically line-up according to their date, with the most recent one first, I also use keyword headings for blocks of text in notes so when I'm searching on a specific subject it's easier to find all related notes - and the results show up on my device in most recent dated first

Thought I'd share this with you because it has saved me ALOT of time using one system that works on all devices and softwares, and as an SEO badger, better indexing of data is always first on my list of things to do
Depends on what is more important to me
Date is when the directory contains one filename
filename ->date is the sort I am usually looking for